Don’t Learn from Success, Just Feel It
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” – Bill Gates. These words coming off a great man like Bill Gates obviously mean something. It obviously is directing people to not get overwhelmed by success. However, most people do. Owing to which, they fall flat on their faces. It is important to remain down to earth, even after one has had the fortune to witness staggering success in their lives. For, no situation is going to remain for the rest of your life. The only constant thing that shall remain in your life is change.
It is better to learn from experience than to learn from success. Experience comes in handy a million times while if you try and learn from your success, you will only become snobbish. Yes, success itself is also an experience but an experience that has to be cherished and maintained. A down to earth attitude is necessary if you wish to maintain your success. Moreover, even if you had a great time, the best time ever, it is important that you learn from your experiences and improve upon them. For, the more you improvise, the better you get and the better you get it, the better performer you become.
Learn from your Experience, Not from Its Result
If failure is the best teacher, success is the worst one. It isn’t said for nothing that failures are stepping stones to success. If you learn from your failures, instead of sulking upon them, you shall be ready to move on. In fact, you will move on better and perform better. After all, they don’t say for nothing “Don’t cry over spilt milk”. Life is a series of success and failures. It is up to us to go through them with grace and dignity or to cry over eyes out over each and everything. Life is a series of feelings and each of the feelings is a guest. They come and go from time to time.
Also, in order to experience success, it is necessary to experience failure. Just like success is a lousy teacher, experience is a hard teacher. Hence, learn from the experiences and not from the results of your experience. Yes, some of the experiences are very testing but like they say, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Live your experience with a smile on your face. No matter how hard they are, they will come to an end and they will leave behind a lesson with you. A lesson that you shall remember for the rest of your life! Hence, experience is not only a hard teacher but also the best one can have.
Don’t be a Snob, But Learn, Learn and Learn!
Experiences aren’t something that one faces each and every day. Hence, if you know what you are doing, the chances of things going wrong are very low but none the less they are there. However, if you are doing something for the first ever time then, the chances of things going wrong are fairly high. Since, the future is never going to be in your control, the experience is always a testing time. The results will be your deciding factor. For, experience will always put you to test before giving away the results.
Thus, while you are at it, you can only hope for the best and be prepared for the worst while putting in your best ever efforts. For, otherwise, you will never really get anywhere because it is the stubborn ones who never really learn anything from their experiences and always want to bask in the sunshine of success. It is unfair to refuse to learn from experience and those who do so shall turn into shallow beings, who never grow. They never improve or learn anything and success won’t stay with such people for a very long time either. Hence, always make an attempt to learn from experiences.
Bad Things Help you Learn
In fact, it is the worst ever things that teach you how to be the best. For instance, when you see a talkative person, you understand that talking too much continuously is wrong and hence, your brain sends a signal that says that you shouldn’t be doing so. Thus, it is an interesting revelation that, that one learns good things from bad things. It is talking a lot done either by you or someone else, that teaches you to remain silent and speak little. This is because now you know that talking a lot can have an adverse effect on all those around you.
Hence, be grateful to your experiences instead of being grateful to your successes. The successes wouldn’t have come along if not for those experiences that you have had. Those experiences laid the path towards your success and it is because of them that you stand where you are now.