How to deal with boredom

It is often thought that when a person has nothing to do he becomes bored. Well, that is not exactly true. You can feel bored even if your hands are full with work. Boredom can set in while following the same routine life for days or months at a stretch. So read on and find out how you can deal with boredom when it shows up in your life.

Take a break

Whether you are bored in the mid of a busy working day or you are bored with following the same routine for days, taking a break does work. Taking a five minutes break in between your work can remove boredom and fill you with sufficient energy to get on with the rest of the day. So, get up from your desk and make a call, talk to your colleagues, have a cup of coffee, etc. If the boredom is more intense then go for a vacation for a few days to a place where you have never been before or somewhere where you love to visit. That will energize you for days or even months to come. If you can not afford to take a long vacation for any reason, then go for an outing on weekend or a holiday with your close ones. That too is a great way to break out of boredom.

Learn something new

Our brain needs stimulation all the time or else we feel bored. Provide stimulation to your brain by engaging yourself in learning new activities. Learn something that interests or excites you, something that you can look forward to at the end of the day or week. This way you will feel energized and motivated for the entire day and there would be no opportunity for boredom to set in. You can start learning any particular type of dance, painting, making crafts or pottery, pursue further education, take lessons on self defense, or just about anything that attracts you. Follow your passion and there will not be a single dull day in your life.

Take up a social cause or a volunteer work

If you feel strongly about some social cause or if you want to contribute towards the welfare of human kind then take up a social cause or any volunteering work. There are so many social causes that do affect us and we often wish if we could make a difference in the concerned matter. Instead of just thinking or wishing, take action. It is not necessary that you have to give a huge time to the cause you take up and jeopardize your personal or professional life. Contribute as much of your time and resources as you want to. Being helpful and contributing to the society does make you feel vital and content and at the same time keeps you motivated and energized while it helps to keep boredom at bay.

Do something completely irrational and crazy

It may sound silly at first or may be till the time you pay heed to this tip. But doing something absolutely crazy or weird can be great fun and one of the best ways to push boredom away. Being civilized people you always need to maintain certain rules, manners, etiquette, etc. You are also expected to be rational and sensible always. But all these can sometimes become tiring and boring. When it does, engage in something which sounds just crazy and irrational to you. It can be anything as simple as making faces at strangers or going for a bungee jump. What sounds crazy to you and to what level of craziness you are willing to experiment is up to you completely. All of us have a little, restless child inside us and trying something like this is like letting the child loose which can be real fun. But make sure that whatever crazy idea you decide to try is not dangerous or does not hurt any other person physically or emotionally.

Remain physically active

Physical activity helps to keep the mind alert and fresh and reduces the chance of making a person bored. In fact, exercise and other physical activities stimulate the brain and keep us motivated. Therefore, involve some sort of physical activity in your daily routine. If you plan to follow the same sort or routine of exercise daily, then that too may bring boredom. So, involve varieties of activities in your schedule and life. You can try out dancing, jogging, trekking or playing some sport apart from the regular exercises. The main motto is remaining physically active so that the energy produced in your body is utilized as well as the brain receives the right signals that do not make you feel bored.

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