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Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World!

Blackboard with Inspiration

Experience makes me say that most of our problems are rooted with the way we perceive the world around us. The more I see and observe a variety of people around me, the more I realize how strong a connection exists between our thoughts and the outside world.


Discourage negative thinking

Well the most important way of avoiding problems and being happy is to discourage negative thinking. A negative mind produces negative thoughts and consequently a negative life. Our words can actually become a death trap that causes us to continue our cycle of negative thoughts and actions. Just take for example the situation when we are angry and tend to lose our calm, we are tempted to speak negatively which makes us feel better for the moment, but it effects us in the long run. In short, we do not have to give in to that temptation of speaking sourly and bitterly. But, we should learn to overcome our negativity. Over the years, I had myself become a very negative and a sour person. My philosophy in life was “if you don’t expect anything good to happen, then you would not be disappointed when it does not. ” Have you ever felt this way? Since I had encountered so many disappointments, I was afraid to expect as that made me vulnerable to getting hurt and feeling bad, hence I had developed a terribly negative outlook towards life. Always remember the quote by Albert Einstein which said, “The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. “Yes, not expecting anything did save me from disappointments, but in the heart of heart I knew that it deprived me of the small happiness and the appreciations of life which is worth more than a few disappointments of life. In fact in the process of doing so, not only did I left out small happiness and appreciations of life but also caused pain to persons close to me.

Albert Lincoln once said, “Most folks are about as happy as they want to be”. By this, he was implying that we actually have a choice when it comes to happiness. Research abounds on the impact of positive and negative thinking on ourselves and others, and the fact that we have the potential to transform ourselves by changing our habits of mind.

Find happiness in the smallest of things

I am sure you have complained at least once in your life that happiness does not last long. But, have you ever made an attempt to keep it to yourself? Why did you let it go? The secret is to find happiness in small things and to hold on to it, to embrace it and see how your life will change! Yes! Small things. We always tend to undermine small things in life and never appreciate it. But let me tell you, as you grow older and wiser you will know how small things are actually most important to you in life.
Never be pessimistic. Pessimism and negative thoughts are not only depressive and unhelpful, but more importantly they are also draining. Albert Einstein had very correctly said, “Problems cannot be solved by the same mindset that caused it.” Thoughts containing words like “never,” “should,” and “can’t,” complaints, whining or thoughts that diminish our own or another’s sense of self-worth deplete the body by producing corresponding chemicals that weaken the physiology. No wonder we are exhausted at the end of the day!

Change the negativity around you

The good news is, if we can recognize a negative or limiting thought, we can also consciously choose to change it. Instead of saying, “I can’t meet this deadline,” try “I don’t know how I’m going to meet this deadline, but I know I can if I give it enough thought.” The chemicals produced by the body as a response to this kind of thought are more likely to support us in fulfilling your goal.


To conclude, change your mind-set and see the world change around you. Are you obese? Change your thoughts and start exercising, start controlling your urge to fried food. Just believe in yourself and you can do it. You think you cannot stand that annoying person? Just put on a smile and stand in front of him and start annoying him. Let me again tell you, it is just a matter of your thought.

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