You are capable of more than you know. Choose a goal that seems right for you and strive to be the best, however hard the path. Aim high. Behave honorably. Prepare to be alone at times, and to endure failure. Persist! The world needs all you can give. ~ E. O. Wilson
Most of us, when we begin our journey towards achieving our goals, do not achieve what we want immediately. This is because, no matter how hard we plan, we always miss out on putting our exact goals in front of us. The way we think is very different from how the word works. We can only know about the world after having experiences and failures. This is something that makes it of prime importance to have realistic goals.
Starting anything new can be terrifying, challenging or hard because we don’t know where to start. Even when we somehow take our first step, we are scared of failure, which further makes it more difficult for us to focus on present challenges. Until we conquer our fears and think of succeeding, we cannot achieve any of our goals. Despite knowing the fact that unfinished projects require dedication, belief, and readiness to strive, we allow negative ideas to conquer our minds. We don’t accomplish our task, projects or goals because we do not know what is right for us.
1. Set your priorities first
Prioritizing our responsibilities and goals plays a pivotal role in deciding what we need to do first. It further delineates a process that will have other goals as their important constituents. Next, we need to overcome emotional hurdles that sometime tend to move us in a different direction, which never leads us to our destination. At times, we distract ourselves, procrastinate, and drag our feet when it is time to do something important. Certain motivational boosters could help us stay focused and inspired so that we could achieve what we have in our mind.
2. Understand the significance of realistic goals
Self-belief is so very important to make something look right to you, even when others don’t share your opinion. Well, it never means we should desist counsel; nonetheless, only we can decide what is right for us. It’s always a good thing to do to keep your reservations aside and allow your imagination to unleash itself. Rather than focusing on too many areas, choose one goal that you can easily relate with and accordingly, channelize your efforts in that particular direction.
3. Everyone is unique
Being unique individuals, each one of us has different journeys and accordingly, peculiar goals that allow certain exclusivity to us. We should not lose the sight of our values, our passions, our strengths and the desired lifestyle while setting goals for ourselves. Congruity, cohesiveness, and uniqueness of our values make us think the way we do it. We cannot guarantee success by imagining ourselves in others’ shoes; instead, we should carve a special breeding ground for our ideas to make natural choices regarding our goals.
Be it family, compassion, wealth, self-development, self-expressions, art, beauty, organization, cleanliness, or social welfare, each of our goals follow a different path. Anything that you love doing or inspires you to move further is so very detrimental for the goal setting process. Since we crave to enjoy our life journey, we set our goals accordingly. You need to understand what you want out of life, what you do well, and who you are. Such self-knowledge and clarity of ideas will help you decide what is right for you.
How self-motivation helps us achieve our goals
What is it that you want most in your life? Is it love, money or fame? Is it something that every other individual wants or something that is unique to you? Would you be willing to go to any extent to get what you want in life? If yes, then note that a simple system would help you get where you want to go. Wondering what we are talking about, read on to find out.
Self-Motivation is an art
Every individual wants something or the other in his/her life. While some tend to stick to their wants without auctioning any of them, others tend to move forward with available opportunities and necessary actions to get what they want.
Achieving goals is something everything wants to do. In order to achieve these goals, one would need to have plenty of self-motivation. This self-motivation would help an individual get up and pursue his /her goals more fervently with each passing day.
Self-motivation is the key difference between an amateur and professional. While the amateur depends on others to motivate him/her, the professional is a self-motivator. He/she would understand what works better for him/her and chart out an appropriate self-motivation plan to retain the confidence and determination needed to accomplish his/her goals.
Self-motivation needs to be nurtured
An individual cannot depend on others to motivate him every day. Rather, he/she needs to have that burning desire to implement the steps needed to achieve goals every single day.
Emotions play a huge part in self-motivation. These emotions would help us give more importance to our goals. This in turn, would help us motivate ourselves to keep on moving forward despite the current situation. Emotions help us prepare for all the hurdles and challenges we would need to face along the way. As such, attaching an emotional quotient to a particular goal would be the motivational factor that would guide us to achieving it come what may.
Still wondering how self-motivation is going to help you become better at everything, here are some benefits you stand to gain from self-motivation.
Learning how to accept challanges is the key
While you shied away from accepting challenges before, you would find it easier to accept them now. No matter how hard the challenges may be, you would be ready to face them head on and give them your best shot.
Self-Motivation comes from an Energetic Lifestyle
Believe or not, self-motivation actually helps you improve your lifestyle considerably. You become more active as you gear up to face newer challenges every day. This energy would push you forward like never before.
Proactive Life
Self-motivation will never allow you to simply sit and accept your fate as it is. It would also stop you from remaining idle for long. It would energize you to keep on providing you with more opportunities to build something or conquer a new goal. It would give you something to achieve and a completely new meaning to your life.
So stop moping around, complaining about no one helping you out. Help yourself out first. Write down all that you want to achieve in life as well as the steps you would need to follow to accomplish these goals. Find out what would motivate you at each stage of this journey and write that down as well. Now you have a perfect roadmap that would act as the first step in motivating you to start moving forward. Remember, your life will not work out as you planned if you do not plan it enough. The more you motivate yourself, higher the chances of you attaining success in life.
Self-motivation is necessary for every individual. Instead of waiting for others to motivate us, we need to chalk out a life plan, which would keep us motivated to move forward. Self-motivation is the only way we can control of our life.