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Having a solid, committed relationship as a teenager

committed relationship as a teenager

Weather teenagers can have serious relationships is a highly debated topic and as a result, some people believe that yes they can have a serious relationship while others believe that serious relationships are not teenager’s cup of tea. The reason behind the latter perspective is the dynamic nature of teenagers. Their thought process tends to change according to situations, and the same goes for their likings and dislikes as well.

Often, teenagers lack the maturity to understand the seriousness of love and affairs. They think too much about other people, as in what do they think about them, and this is the reason that teenagers give looks more priority than a good nature of someone whom they chose to be in relationship with. This perspective is right but only for some cases, because there are some teenagers who have managed to be in a long-term relationship. If you also desire to make your teenage relationship a strong one, then try to inculcate these following habits:

Be friends first

It is very important to start a love relationship with friendship rather than being lovers form the very first day. The motive behind this gesture is to bring a clear understanding. If you will become friends first and spend some time together, you will get to know him or her well. You will get to know the goods and the bad, and accordingly after some time you will be in a better position to decide whether you actually want to date him or not. Knowing everything about each other and then getting into a love relationship is the key to a happy and a long-term relationship. On the other hand, if you straightaway say yes for an affair, after few days you will get to know his turn-offs and your relationship will end as soon as it started.

Listen more talk less

Teenage is all about childishness and a kind of selfish behavior, as in “I” come before “You”. Many teenage love relationships end because of the lack of understanding. This lack of understanding comes because of improper communication. Your partner comes and starts talking his heart out to you but you are not ready to listen to him, rather you start telling your own tales to him. This leads to misunderstanding and this behavior sends a message to your partner that you have no respect for his talks, which is wrong. Therefore, all you teenagers talk less and listen more. By this, we mean that do not start talking when your partner starts telling you his blues, rather listen to him carefully and offer help if possible. If you do this, your bond will grow strong and will last long.

Too much of expectation is bad

Just like an affair in the later years of life, too much of expectations in a teenage relationship are also bad. Therefore, never expect a lot and always support your partner and keep each other happy. Rather than burdening each other with unfair demands, you should try to be each other’s inspiration, support, company, and a fun partner. If you both will be happy in each other’s company then of course your relationship will last long.

Do not let irrational jealousy enter your relationship

Jealousy is a negative feeling that is there in healthy relationships. It is a feeling that requires instant attention; otherwise, it could make things bad for a relationship. Whenever you feel jealous, try to find out its cause. In case you fail to find a valid cause, means it is an irrational jealousy so get rid of it at the earliest.


Majority of teenage relationships do not last long but some of them really do. They are the ones wherein teenagers take every precaution so that their immaturity and dynamic nature does not come in the way of their love relationship.

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