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Simple yet practical tips to help you excel in academics


College time is one of the brightest periods in every person’s life. It provide you a unique environment where you are surrounded with different opportunities for doing social activities and studying self-realization. It is the first feeling of independence, the right time for meeting friends and opening different sides your persona. This period seems to be not only a time for entertainment and socializing, but also for term papers deadlines and responsibilities. How to be successful at college and social life at the same time is the question every young individual is faced with.

Prioritize your tasks


The first thing you should do after entering the college is to prioritize all the tasks. On the first day of your college course, studying too many academic assignments may shock you. Don’t let it frighten you. What is needed is to take a deep breath and analyze the schedule. Obviously, there will be several important disciplines which need to be differentiated from the less significant ones. Sometimes, the most important courses are not the ones that you are interested in. It is highly recommended to pay more attention to disciplines you are fond of. It will provide you with the inspiration and pleasure to continue studying other disciplines.

According to EssayKitchen, it is a great idea to use some calendar app on the phone and to add classes schedule and deadlines to it. This app will be a place where everything is kept together, which would eventually help you evaluate the situation. Keeping the studying process under the control will make you feel more relaxed.

Accept that you won’t be able to have fun everyday

Entertainment, as far as spending time with family or friends is concerned, is a compulsory part of your well-being. It is wrong to think that having fun with friends is a waste of time. On the contrary, changing the activities is what gives you the power to continue studying with more enthusiasm. So, after you are done with your projects, the best idea to clear your head with is by doing it while having fun. It is acceptable, but in limited doses.

Sometimes, especially at the beginning of your college life, you will not have time for hanging out with friends every day. If you have a teacher with a strict deadline or attendance policy, it will be better for you to do everything in a timely manner and, consequently, to put studying above having fun. Making a good impression on professors is crucially important.

Set goals

set goals

To make the process of studying easier and more exciting, it is necessary to find motivation. Some people know who they want to become and what goals to achieve. They definitely deserve being admired of. Others don’t know for sure the way to realize their potential. And there is nothing wrong in it as college period allows you to explore yourself and your mission in life. So, the first thing every student should do is to set a goal.

It might seem that the distance between studying and becoming successful is too long and thorny. To make it more achievable, it is necessary to divide this path into smaller segments. For example, learning ten new words in foreign language today will help you to read two-three more pages of the book tomorrow. Set not only goals, but also rules for their realistic achievement.

Get help

Let people help you when you need it. If you feel that you have problems with academic performance, don’t hesitate to talk to your faculty advisor. He or she can help with his advice according to your particular situation. Also you can consult with college teachers. Questioning is the first point that confirms a person does want to improve the situation.

Also, it is necessary to remember that the majority of students face the same problems. Therefore, it is always useful to share your worries with friends or classmates.

Don’t procrastinate

Don’t procrastinate

It is hard and painful to start doing a huge amount of work. The only solution is to forget about your feelings and run the process. After doing the first thing from your to-do list done, you will be proud of yourself and confident that everything goes according to the plan.

One more advice is to work ahead and prevent your to-do list from becoming too intimidating, otherwise it will be harder for you to motivate yourself to study. Proper time management will help you reduce stress and allow you more time for friends and relax after everything is completed.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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