Sex, love, and the connection between sexuality and spirituality

connection between sexuality and spirituality

Sex and religion mostly stay at the opposite end. The religions that even try to combine the two often bear the wrath of the masses. However, times are changing now. We are quickly becoming aware of what an important part of our daily life sex is. If we do not give it a proper part in the spiritual development of an individual, it won’t work out. Some people abstain from sex so that they can store their sexual energy and direct it towards higher purposes. If you are not one of them and if you want sex itself to take you towards something higher, this article is for you.

Accept it or not, there is a solid association between spirituality and sexuality. Both bring joy and are not totally unrelated. A standout amongst the most paramount parts of your profound development is the way of sexual vitality when utilized the right way. This would be with affection and minding, not your most recent victory from the bar the previous night. Let’s have a look at sexuality and spirituality separately.



Sexuality is varied and profoundly individual. Understanding our sexuality is about the sexual emotions and attractions we feel towards other individuals, not about who we have intercourse with. There are distinctive sorts of sexuality, and it can require some investment to evaluate what fits right with you. In the event that somebody is providing for you some major snags about your sexuality, figure out what to do and who you can converse with.



The meaning of spirituality varies with people. For some people, it is participating in religious activities like going out in a group form to the church. For some, spirituality is psychological growth. It’s personal for these people; they get in touch with their spiritual self through yoga, meditation, private prayer, etc.

The Connection between Sexuality & Spirituality

There is an association between the demonstration of sex, orgasm, and love. On the off chance that the heart chakra is not open, the orgasm is diverse and does not achieve the measurement where your “God” is. So sex as unadulterated sex is not the spiritual pathway it could be. Sex with a prostitute or sex with an individual you do not love does not get you all the benefits of sex with a cherished companion.



Orgasm is when there is no division between you and other dimensions. It takes you out of this world where bliss and fun are so restricted. It takes you to the world where bliss is a definitive delight yet dependably readily available, not inaccessible.

At the point when orgasm incorporates love, it gets to the dimensions that are constantly outside of our reach, the spots where God, the vitality of God dwells. That is, whether we have to guide it, over your head additionally behind your body. Give or take 18 inches over the head and 22 inches behind the head. The entryway of Brahman is the passageway purpose of the orgasm that arrives at what you call God.

Sex can only be a religious experience only when you keep the excitement alive in your relationship. If you overuse your sexual capacity the same experience can become dull and monotonous. Below are a few tips you can utilize to keep sex and love alive in your relationship.

How to keep sex and love alive in your relationship

All couples will agree unanimously that for a healthy and long relationship you have to keep the flame of sex and love burning. Both the partners have to put in efforts to ensure that these two important aspects of a many woman relationship are always alive so that your relationship does not become dull and boring. Here are some tips to keep sex and love alive in your relationship

1. Come out of the fantasy world

All of us have the picture of a perfect soul mate but you have to understand that no one is perfect. No one is without fault, you included. You have to come out of your dream world and accept your partner with his shortcomings. Once you can accept him as he is it becomes easier to keep your love alive.

2. Mutual respect is a must

Both parties have to learn to mutually respect each other. It is important that right from the beginning both the partners decide never to behave or say words that may offend the other person. One of the reasons for couples ending in a divorce is the fact that one partner feels that his better half does not respect him and his feelings and puts him down.

3. Learn to accept change

 Middle age

You have to understand that sex is not going to remain the same throughout your relationship. The meaning of having sex will be different through different phases of life. You cannot expect the same passionate moments that you had as a newly married couple in your middle age. Can you? As you age love would be more about friendship than excitement. Middle age is more holding hands and cherishing the memories of your youth.

4. Discussion is the key

If you feel that there is something missing in your relationship. That there seems to be no place for love and sex in your partner’s life then gently bring up the topic with your partner and discuss. It may be that your partner is just too stressed out with professional life or there may be some other issues. Talk about and find a way out. Maybe just going for a second honeymoon may rekindle the flame.

5. Don’t hesitate to get professional help

get professional help

In the worst scenario it may look like it’s all over and there is no more love and so there is no question of sex life and this is it. But in such cases don’t jump to conclusions. If you are not able to find a solution for the dying love in your relationship, then instead of just silently killing the relationship seek the help of a counselor. He may be able to change your perspective.

A healthy love and sex life needs hard work from both partners. Both have to learn to accept changes and take steps to keep the emotional bonding and the relationship at its best.

Many people who cannot unify sex with religion generally lack the tact of initiating the act. If you are one of them, read on.

Five playful ways for initiating sex

Majority of women thinks that guys usually don’t approve the first move from their women and so most of the time, they keep on waiting for their guy to make the first move. However, on the contrary, guys love their women making the first move and this act can in fact spice up their lovemaking to a great extent.

Therefore, if you are among the one who always waits for their guy to make the first move, then its time you start taking some his bedroom responsibilities too. Moreover, most of the guys admit that initiating intimacy by their female partner is a huge turn on for them. Also, to further spice it up, try adding a little variety while you are making your first move and you will surely make your guy beg for more and more. So, here are some unique and playful tips you can apply to your sex life every once in a while and keep all the sparks alive in your relationship.

1. Adult Board Games

Adult Board Games

This is a very sexy and playful way to initiate foreplay. Adult board games involve different kinds of sexy ways to start foreplay and getting undressed. These games are just like any other normal board games with additional sexy parts. However, in the absence of any such board games, you always have the option of turning a normal card or board game into an adult version. All you need to do is add some strip options and sexy penalties.

2. Cook and feed him

Plan a very romantic dinner in your own kitchen and ask him to help you out with the cooking by picking up ingredients or slicing or chopping some vegetables. After you are done, start feeding him with your own hand in a very playful manner and he’ll soon react to your foreplay-with-food-method as playfully as you want. But, make sure you prepare mostly finger foods as you would not like your guy with curry all over him, although that can be a turn on too.

3. Become artistic

Become artistic 

Sometimes artistic stuff like painting together can also prove to be quite a turn on for most guys. Moreover, you always make it sexier and more intense by using edible body paints. However, you can always take inspiration from Demi Moore in Ghost.

4. Night out dancing

Dancing is one of the sexiest ways to initiate intimacy between two people. Pick out the sexiest yet slow dancing music, wear one of your sexy dresses and move your body like never before to the tune of love.

5. Jumping in the shower

Jumping in the shower

When your guy gets home after work and starts heading towards the shower, surprise him by jumping in the shower with him and by undressing each other. This unexpected situation will surely turn him on instantly and both of you will enjoy a long and fun shower together.

There is now no doubt that sexuality and spirituality are deeply connected with each other. Hence, it is high time we analyze ourselves and the role of sex in our life. Only then we would be able to utilize it in a more positive and meaningful way. Here are some ways to have a meaningful sexual experience with your partner.

Be open to talk about sex

As already mentioned, if you still consider sex to be a taboo, you are probably old fashioned. Sex is something that everybody enjoys, but people shirk talking about it. Sometimes partners fail to realize that their mutual talks on sex are of vital importance to keep alive the flame of love and romance in their lives. To make an intimate relationship more special, equal participation of the partners is required. However, to play the equal roles a man should know his beloved’s requirements and the woman should know how to satisfy her man to the fullest because the sex needs of a woman are different from that of a man.

It is of paramount importance that a couple indulges in “sex-talks” with each other so that the sexual desires are communicated well to each other. Apart from the mutual sex talks, following are some tips that can help couples to make their love life even more interesting and lusty:

1. Fantasies can do wonders

Our brain is the most powerful sex organ that requires some wild fantasies for arousal. Sharing sexual fantasies with your partner can increase the excitement in your relationship like never before. Fantasies reignite the lost or the lazy sexual attitude of yours. They make you take up new sexual habits and to try out new things, eventually keeping the sex very much alive in your relationship.

2. Naughty, dirty talk

Dirty talk, especially during sex are so powerful that they bring in longevity and give an added sexual pleasure. When partners talk about their individual sexual interests, like what they like to do and in what way, it certainly adds to the pleasure. Ensure that you talk before and after you make out, and find out how satisfied your partner is. Many people never care to talk to each other after they spend those intimate moments together, which is very wrong, as in how do you know that your partner is satisfied or not. So, talk, talk and talk.

3. Experiment with the places where you do the lovemaking

To make your sex life interesting, leave your bed and get the hang of some new places to make love. How about the couch or the sofa lying in your drawing room. The other ideas include the car parked in your garage or your bathroom. The more unconventional the place, the more pleasure it gives.

4. Prolong your sex experience

Prolonged sex experience makes the lovemaking more interesting and exciting. The best way to prolong the experience is to adopt a start-stop approach while having sex. This method calls for masturbation till the point of ejaculation and then to stop until the urge to ejaculate passes. Repeat this procedure for as long as you both want your sex experience to prolong.

5. Be open and try new things

Monotony is the biggest enemy of a sexual desire in partners. If every day you tend to indulge in the same old ways of having sex, there is quite a possibility that boredom will soon set in. Therefore, to save your love life from the clutches of boredom, ensure that you try out new things every other day, as in pleasing scents, subdued colors, soft lighting, background music, sexy clothes, more experimental sex toys (we recommend Hankey’s Toys for this purpose), and various other techniques that can make you crazy..

6. Be understanding

It is better to have no sex rather than having forced sex. It is but natural that at times there is not even the least desire for sex in one partner, while the other has. In such circumstances, both the partners must show true understanding and absolute respect for each other’s feelings. Forced sex is not at all good for a healthy love life.

Yoga Poses that can lead to a better sex life

Great sex is one of the ultimate mind-body experiences and so is the yoga. Yoga makes the body flexible, increase our energy levels, boost body confidence, increase blood flow, increase levels of intimacy and build better muscle tone. It can even have a marked effect on the sex life of an individual, dealing with greater libido and desire.

Here are a few yoga poses that can make your sex life better:

1. Cow stretch:

Start with getting on your fours with shoulders over wrists and hips over knees. Inhale and stretch your head up towards ceiling against your belly. Keep your back straight. Hold in a position for a few seconds and exhale. Repeat this pose 5-10 times.

2. Butterfly:

Begin by bringing soles together. Bend the knees and open legs as much as you can. Try to touch the floor with knees. Now move your knees up and down. Repeat this process 8-10 times. It increases blood flow that increases energy and vitality. It builds inner thighs and makes the legs stronger.

3. Cobra:

Lie down on your belly with forehead touching floor. Press hands against the floor and lift the upper body with the help of your arms. Take a deep breath as you move up. Stay in the pose for 8- 10 breath. Come back to the former position and exhale. It strengthens back and builds abdominal muscles. Increases blood flow and reduces stress.

4. Goddess pose:

This pose starts with sitting with bent knees. Place hands on the lower back and rest elbows on the floor. Drop shoulders and head down and hold in a position for 10 breaths. Inhale as you go back and exhale when coming forward. This pose releases tension in lower nerve plexus.

5. Child’s pose:

Kneel down on the floor. Hold toes together and lean backward. Move the lower part of the body forward as you go back. Inhale as you lean back and hold it for 10-12 breaths. Exhale as you come back to kneeling position. Child’s pose is very soothing and relaxes mind and body.

6. Wide-legged straddle pose:

Begin by sitting on the floor. Open legs sideways. Stretch and straighten legs as you open them. Now hold toes and drop down head and shoulders. The pose is good for libido and improves blood flow to the pelvic area. Boosts energy and strengthens legs and lower part of the body.


Yoga is truly an amazing form of exercise. It makes the body and mind healthy. It can leave your body with greater flexibility, better muscle tone, increased energy, and libido. Practice yoga and achieve a better sex life.

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