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How to deal with thinning hair?

deal with thinning hair

Receding hairline is a common problem which most of us are facing in today’s world. Thinning of hair in men is known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), which is a genetic disorder and it accounts for 90 per cent of the hair loss in men. Thinning of hair is quite a common problem, and it can be very well addressed.

Causes of thinning hair

Now, there are some common causes which are responsible for hair loss in both men and women – pollution, stress, our food habits, illness, medication etc could be causes for hair loss. It could be a result of chemotherapies or thyroid disorder as well. Women diagnosed with hypothyroidism experience hair loss. Hair loss is experienced by women under anemic conditions as well. If your diet is full of food high in saturated fat like cheese, meat etc you are bound to experience MPB. A case in point is Japan, where there were almost no cases of MPB before the arrival of western diets, rich in saturated fat. We cannot keep ourselves back from having these kinds of foods, tasty as they are. However we need to control ourselves, given that it is a really small price we need to pay for the sacrifice which would help us save our hairline from receding. Therefore, what you require to do is to find the root cause behind your thinning hairline and address it.

What’s the Myth


The usual age around which women start experiencing thinning hairline is around 25 to 35 years of age. Hence, the fact that it is a gift of menopause is not true. Moreover, earlier people used to believe that if there is someone bald in your family, you are under greater risks of getting bald. But, unlike MPB, hair loss in females is accompanied by a decrease in the total volume of hair. Quite naturally therefore, transplantation becomes quite difficult. The total amount of hair does not always get necessarily reduced. On the contrary, the diameter of each strand of hair shrinks. Moreover, hair that’s too thin does not grow past a certain length.

How do we tackle hair thinning?
Here we discuss a few of the most common ways of tackling receding hairlines.

  1. Laser Therapy – One of the most up-to-date and easily available technologies to check your thinning hairline and renew it by getting back a lush thick mane is with the help of laser therapy.  It is especially effective in the initial stages of your hair loss if it is combined with topical drugs and medication. Special lasers are used to stimulate the hair follicles to actually reverse the process that causes them to stop producing hair in the first place. As this treatment makes possible the revival of the previously “dead” follicles, it is also better known as “laser hair replacement.”  It is a treatment that most people would like to go with as it has a number of advantages.  First is the cost associated with it. When compared with other hair replacement surgeries and medications available, it is quite inexpensive. Then a most important and decisive factor is that it is absolutely pain free.
  2. Hair replacement surgery – As is the case with all other surgeries, hair replacement surgery should not be treated casually. It is like any other surgery. Although, over the past two decades, it has evolved to be as sophisticated and safe as any other form of hair replacement procedures. Gone are the days of the “hair plugs” which looked like they were more suited for the dolls’ heads rather than that for replacing natural human hair.  Hair transplants these days are done with the help of follicular units or FUTs. These are tiny bunches of hair which look similar to natural hair growth. Fresh hair starts appearing in your scalp from three to six months of the surgery.  The major disadvantage of the process is the pain associated with it.
  3. Drugs – There are a few major drugs which can be used to treat hair loss. But the benefits of each of these drugs were discovered while they were being administered for the treatment of other ailments.  Finasteride, or better known as Propecia in the market, is taken orally. It comes in the form of one milligram tablets. On the other hand Minoxidil, commonly called Rogaine, is administered topically.  Finasteride is advised to be taken once daily before consuming food. It should be taken along with Minoxidil for best results. If it can be used with Minoxidil of different strengths, like five percent or twelve and a half percent, it would prove to be quite a successful treatment. If you are noticing initial stages of hair thinning, then either of these drugs would be effective. However, if you can afford one medicine only, it is advisable that you go for Minoxidil, as it is less expensive, is easily available in the market, and has been well-proven to take care of hair thinning problems.

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