You must have seen an elderly person addressing a person their age an old chap without even realizing the fact they themselves have attained the same age. It is a human tendency to see own faults in others and even if someone makes a notice of them, you hardly accept the truth. However, if you move a step further and accept the reality, you could be much comfortable about the fact, like growing old can be seen as aging with maturity of thoughts and getting wiser in your decisions.
Negative expression of emotions
The fundamental qualities of the person make way for accomplishments in life. On the contrary, negative expression elicits negative life response. By using negativity in your actions and language, you attract ill fortune towards yourself. Try to overcome the negative traits since it can further lead to greater achievement in life and make you a winner.
People hardly trust you with anything if they know that you have a habit of spreading rumors. Another fact of the matter is you gossip about others because either you envy the person or talking bad about them makes, you feel powerful for the moment. When you are part of the group that spread rumors or gossip about others, you are feeding negative thoughts and ideas to your brain. The result of the gossip is usually nothing; it further gives you ill feelings for others or empowers you to make fake comparisons. The result of all this is quite natural.
Fantasy world
Narcissist behavior and thinking always keep you in your own world away from the difference of imaginative world and reality. All your needs and expectation are met in your fantasy world and at point of time, you start expecting the same treatment from all the people around you. When the truth hits you in the face the result is only anxiety and stress. It is difficult to come out of your fantasy world once your step into it.
Need to feel good no matter what the cost is
Some people go way beyond the general level of selfishness and start manipulating things for their own benefits. They not only live in their world but also never hesitate to hurt someone else’s feelings if that makes them feel good. You develop an attitude, which does not let you understand the situation from other’s point of view. Moreover, the result is a lonely and unhappy life since no one wants to be by your side once they understand your behavior.
Desire to separate ourselves from others
What you don’t like or approve of, you unknowingly tend to stay away from it. However, it takes an another turn when you start fighting the idea that you have it in your without even having someone tell you the fact. The more you fight the thought of having it in you, the greater are the chances that it starts instigating deep down inside you.
It’s always beneficial to empathize with others so that you always control your temptations to follow wrong path in life.