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A smart friend who had an amazing presence of mind

A smart friend

Two friends Jai and Vijay went shopping in the supermarket. When they came out of the store, Jai looked at Vijay and said, “Look I have five chocolates in my pocket. When the salesperson was busy looking around, I stole these five chocolates and he did not even get to know that. I am so smart.”

Taking a piece of chocolate

“Well that’s great but I bet I can do better than that, “Vijay said.

Jai looked at him with surprise and said, “Let’s go back. You can try your luck. You can never beat that.”

They went back to the store. Vijay went to the counter and asked the salesperson,” I will show you something really amazing if you have two minutes.”

The salesperson turned around and said, “What is it that you want to show me?”

Multi-colored sweets in jars

“Magic, something that can blow your head off,” Vijay said as he grabbed the big jar full of chocolates. He took out a chocolate and ate it. Both Jay and the salesperson were looking at him with surprise. He took out another chocolate and ate that one too. Jay started laughing at him there it was no magic trick. Vijay took out another chocolate and ate that one too,

“Is that what you call magic?” the salesperson said in anger.

“You just wait and watch,” Vijay said as he ate two more chocolates from the jar. Jai and the salesperson could not understand what was happening. As soon as Vijay finished his chocolates, Jay looked at him and asked, “What’s the magic in it?”

“Put your hands in your pocket and you will find all five chocolates there in it,” Vijay said in a confident voice.

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