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7 Behaviour patterns that people finds unattractive in others

Behaviour patterns that people finds unattractive in others

There are certain habits in people that turn us on as well as certain behaviour patterns that annoy us. Either you make an excuse to avoid their company or behave like a stammering clock-watcher when they are around. Here are a few such behaviour patterns that are annoying to almost all.

Those who are too loud

Those who are too loud

Who really wants to stay around loud people who rarely miss an opportunity to shout on top of their voice? It seems even more irritating when someone does that in your ear. Talking to one such person over the phone is not only annoying and gives you a feeling to hang up the very moment they utter up the first word. Take care the next time you get together with your long lost friends for a movie. Do not express your happiness in a way that scares or bothers the people around.

When they are negative

When they are negative


Almost all of us are well aware of the fact that company of negative people does you a lot harm. You tend to think in the same manner, which eventually becomes a part of your personality. Not only this, they keep you from looking at the brighter side of a situation. People generally love to laugh and share ideas of growth and success. Get rid of such friends or motivate them to think positive since it may be harmful for your physical as well as mental health.

Impatient people

Impatient people


Everything has a perfect time and place. Universe has a plan for all of us but some people are born impatient. They are always in a hurry and find it hard to wait for the right moment. This bad habit does not let you enjoy the beauty of the moment. How would you feel you get everything without any efforts on your part? Your biggest regret would be that you did not even live the moment. Relax and take it easy since time never comes back no matter how hard you try.

Who know it all

Who know it all

If you come across one such person who has an expertise in almost every field of life you would certainly beg mercy. If you do not know enough about a certain topic, you must keep quite or have the decency to accept your ignorance. It makes you no less than human since no really knows everything.

When they act like a fourteen year old

When they act like a fourteen year old

You never really grow but it certainly is not true in literal sense, one must act his/her age. Such behaviour always leaves a bad impression on the other person. Such behaviour can be misleading or the person may use it as a self-defence mechanism. No one can tolerate a person who takes no responsibility for his/her behaviour.

Attention seekers

Attention seekers


You would not want to share a cup of tea with those who desperately want to talk about themselves. They hardly give you a moment to share your own feelings. Having such people in your party means your joy and self-respect is at stake since they would not let anyone have his/her time and space.

Bossy people

Boss yelling at employee


Some people love to order around, they do not understand that they must not try to control other people around them. No one likes such people since they take away your freedom to do what you feel like doing. They may bear a resemblance to one of your bosses who made your life a living hell, liking is out of question.


One such behavior pattern may even be a part of our personality driving your loved ones crazy. Get rid of theses behavior patterns and give an experience of a lifetime to all who comes across.

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