Using free time to convert your Kindle fire into a kid friendly device

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One of the easiest and yet, most sophisticated parental control tools in the market as of late, Kindle Free Time is radically changing the way parents can let their kids access their mobile devices without worrying about the latter accessing mature content. It lets parents to restrict as well as filter the content their kids get to see on their devices in a completely new way. Here are the steps involved in doing the same.   Instead of locking certain apps, FreeTime reskins the entire device and provides kids with a separate application and media list along with a personalized user interface with every individual profile that is created. Kindle Fire (kitchen) Enabling FreeTime FreeTime would be the centermost application on the front screen as and when Kindle Fire is switched on. The icon looks like a child who appears to be running with a kite. Launch the application and tap ‘Get Started’ on the splash screen that shows up. Enter a password (one that you have used for the device previously or a new one). comfortable learning with kindle fire Profile Creation Create separate profiles for each child in the house. This will enable them to get unique experiences with Kindle and would help parents track them better. Tap next after creating the individual profiles. The screen would then prompt you to select a specific profile and share the content you want your child to get access to on Kindle. kid-friendly kindle Adding Content Open each profile and content by selecting from the apps, books and media options available in the Kindle Library. FreeTime also suggests kid friendly titles to help refine your search in the library. You can also choose titles not on the list by accessing the drop down menu called ‘For Kids’. Tap ‘Done’ after choosing all the titles. The app would move you to the Manage Content and Subscription Menu. This screen would show you the content you have chosen for each profile you created, including a summary of the books, apps, games, videos. etc., you selected for each of them. kindlefreetime Daily Time Limits Go back to the Kindle FreeTime profile page. Now tap on the icon that says ‘Daily Time Limits. Tap on a profile to enable time limits for it. Do this for the rest of the profiles and toggle the ‘Set Time Limits’ to on. In the sub-menu that appears, you can either choose to set a total screen time limit from 1-6 hours, or choose to set the time by activity (for individual activities like watching videos, reading books, playing games, etc.) option  between 1-6 hours. While reading is unlimited, the default setting for games and videos is 1 hour. Choose the Blocked option in case you don’t want your kids to access individual activities at all. Tap the Back button to return to the main profile page. kindle-freetime Opening Kindle FreeTime Once a particular profile is launched, FreeTime would lock down the tablet and display a screen with the books, videos and apps available in the immediate library. Tapping on specific apps would let you know about the books available on the device as well as on FreeTime Unlimited. Each profile also has a Characters Screen used to help kids find content easily by relating to a specific character in it (for example, cat in the hat) or a topic (example flowers). Tapping characters icon would show all media related to that specific character.

Summary As of now, FreeTime happens to be one of the most complete parental control tools for Kindle and mobile devices. With a customizable interface, that does not allow children to access other areas of the device; the tool offers users the best in features and usability.

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