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How to deal with the ex

How to deal with the ex

Every person has his or her own past. It becomes more difficult when the past tends to haunt your present life. You can follow a few tips to deal with your ex and manage your present relationship with much ease and comfort.

Have patience and balance your past and present

You may need to possess a lot of patience while dealing with your ex. You must try to give maximum space to your ex without interfering in his or her personal life. This will help your ex make proper and timely adjustments as well as realize the fact that everything is finally over. It is also possible that you and your ex kids might be going in the same school or college together. This is time when you may need to set in your priorities and make your ex aware of the same. This will make you to balance you present family life as well as lead your ex to carry on his or her own life independently.

Become friendly with your Ex

So long as you don’t have any emotions for your ex, you both can always be good friends. This is a sign of maturity as well as reveals the acceptance of both your bad past and good present. It will also help you avoid any roadblocks that your ex might place in your present or future life due to past resentments. However, it is also important to set boundaries or limitation for your ex so that he or she does not misinterprets your friendship to be your love for him or her. This can ultimately lead to re kindling of the fire and destruction of both your present and future family life.

Never flirt with your current partner in the presence of your Ex

It is often noticed that people try to make their ex, jealous by flirting with their current partner. It is always better to avoid such flirting as this can worsen the situation rather than healing the past wounds. It is also possible that your insecure partner or ex will try to further set up roadblocks due to this constant flirting and make your life more difficult to live. You must also avoid putting down your ex in public. People might generalize that you are still hurt and have still not forgotten your past.


Stop threatening or name calling your Ex

You should be mature enough to respect your ex relationship. Only this can help you save your current relationship as well as eradicate any ill feelings in the heart of your ex for you. You can communicate a soft exit note to your ex through an email or a third party to calm and make him or her emotionally stable over a period of time. Be careful to use soft tone and words instead of getting angry or upset on your ex. Your calmness will definitely assist you to convey the right message to your ex without hurting him or her in the long run. This however does not mean to become a doormat for your ex. What is more important is to be gentle enough with your ex so as to arrive at a mutually agreed favorable decision.

Acquire a “Let go attitude”: Forgive and forget

Do not forget that time heals everything. You can get yourself involved in numerous activities to keep yourself busy and forget your ex. You can start with a hobby, sports, recreation club or studies. You can rediscover your aims, desires, dreams and interests. This will help you get reacquainted with your inner self and also make you aware of the fact that you are worthy enough to do something better.

You must realize that ultimately it is your ex who has lost a creditable person like you in his or her life. Your “let go” attitude will definitely help you avoid brooding or lingering over your past and your ex too.

With a little strength and determination you can easily come out of the whole mess, provided you can realize that you deserve something better in your life. You must make every attempt to walk away from having fights, threatening or attacking your ex with abusive words or actions. Ultimately what is more important is to find different ways to create peace and harmony in your life by forgiving your ex and forgetting your past.

Lastly, you must also make every attempt to learn from your past experiences and mistakes. You must try not to repeat your past mistakes with your present relationship. Only this can help you to create harmony, peace and love in your current relationship.

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