The value of saying “I love you” in time


David works far away from his native town. The job hardly makes him a good provider to the family but he is able to pay his bills every month. Something that differentiates David from the rest of the people in his office is his love for his family. He visits his family every weekend regardless of anything else. He has his parents, wife and a three-year-old daughter who means the world to him. David cannot afford to buy a car but he says he does not need one to see his family. He says he wish he could have wings so that he could go and meet his family without wasting a single moment.

colleaguesHis colleagues call him crazy. He is in his thirties, which means he must make some time for himself as he has all the time in the world for other things. On a weekend as David is just about to leave his office, his colleagues come to his desk, as they want him to join them for a movie.

“Let us go and watch a movie, David. What do you say? We will have our dinner in a nice restaurant and get drunk. It’s my marriage anniversary today. I am paying for all,” one of his colleagues says as he comes closer.

“Congratulations, you should be with your wife today. I cannot come with all of you. I’d rather be with my family. My daughter must be waiting for me,” David says.

“Come on, David you can go visit your family next week. You are living alone here. There is no one to keep an eye on you. Grow up,” the colleague says.

“Nope, rule number one, family come first and rule number two, rule number one always stands. I love you all my dear coworkers. Have a nice weekend. I must fly back to my nest.” David leaves the office at once.

He is a loving son, adorable husband and the best dad in the world. Something that is always on the tip of his tongue is those three magical words. The moment he steps into his house his daughter comes running to him.

Girl kissing father“I love you my beautiful princess. Oh, it’s good to see you again.”

He goes to his parent’s room, gives them a big hug and utters up the magic words again. His parents feel blessed to have a son like that who keeps his family on top of his priority list. David comes to his office on Monday with a big smile on his face.

It is his routine for the last many years. He always says that you must give words to your feelings and tell your loved ones that you value them the most.

On Wednesday David takes a day off and goes back to see his family again.

“What happed, everything all right? It is Wednesday today,” a colleague says.

“I know but I missed my family. I thought I should go and check on them,” David replies.

On Friday, David comes to the office in the morning. He is happy.

memories-of-time-spentAt around one o’clock, he receives a phone call, which ends his world forever. His neighbor informs him that his family has met with an accident while they were on their way to visit a relative. They get severe injuries and die on the spot since they could not get help in time. David is left with nothing except memories of time spent with them.

Life acts strange at times, it does not even give you an opportunity to express your feelings to your loved ones. Do not wait for a perfect moment or a special occasion to tell your family that you love them the most.

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