The power of belief


Patty came running towards her father, handed him over a long list and said, “Here is a list of some eatables that you must bring along with your when you come back in the evening.”

Father and daughter

“Oh my god it’s a long list. Are we having some uninvited guests today,” father asked with surprise.

“Dad you just bring everything that you have on this list. I will tell you in the evening. It’s a surprise,” Patty said and ran into the kitchen where her mother was making breakfast for everyone.

“Mom, I need your help in decorating my room. Would you please take out some time to do that with me,” Patty asked.

“Why do you need to decorate your room?” her mother asked as she turned off the gas stove.

“Mom, it’s a surprise. I will tell you in the evening.


It was hard to put off a eight year old child so her mother decorated her room with her.

When Patty’s father came home in the evening he brought a cake, sandwiches, sweets and a few other things with him. “What are all things for?” Patty’s mother asked.

“Patty asked me to get these things from the market. I bet she asked you to decorate her room,” he said as he came inside Patty’s room.

“What is she going to do with all this? I mean it’s not even her birthday,” her mother murmured.


A few minutes Patty took her parents to her room and said, “I prayed to god and I am sure I would get an A grade this year. I thought we should celebrate the moment in advance,” she said as she blew the candles.

Unlike Patty who knew that God would answer her prayers, most us fail to have full faith in almighty God. He never disappoints those who truly believe in him.

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