The mantra of living a complete life  


“Something that always bothers almost all is the question that what makes your life complete. I mean you have tons of insecurities on your mind. If you pay attention to one important thing, the other things get neglected. It is a never-ending cycle. I have heard people saying that the moment you are able to figure it out you are already on your deathbed or it is too late to change anything,” a student said.

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A retired college professor who had got acclaimed internationally for his contribution in the field of philosophy was invited by some of his ex students for a small get together. Fortunately, most of them had almost everything they needed to lead a good life but almost everyone agreed that they are still rolling with the punches. Many of them had turned themselves into moneymaking machines and some were not content even after achieving great heights of success. When one of them brought up the topic, others also wanted to clear their doubts.

One other student who was a famous builder asked “Sir, even at this stage I am ignorant of the ways of life. I don’t know what to do and what not to do to get that eternal happiness and peace of mind. I don’t get to spend quality time with my loved ones if I focus my attention towards making money and I can certainly not be happy if they do not have a secure future. Please suggest a way out.”

The professor asked them to excuse him for a minute and rushed onwards the other room. When he came, he had a big glass jar in his hands. He asked one of his students to get some other stuff. He kept the jar on the table and put two some small rocks in it. His students were looking at him with surprise. They knew he had an innovative way to keep his point and it always kept them guessing.

“What do you say? Is it full now?” he asked.

“It is, sir,” the builder replied and everyone had the same opinion.

The professor put some pebbles into the jar and shook it a little bit. The pebbles somehow made their space in the jar.

“What say, now? Can we pour something else into it? Does it still have some more space in it?” he said.

“Sir, I don’t think there is any space left in it after pouring these pebbles,” a female lawyer said.


The professor took a small box and poured some sand into the jar. The sand went right into the empty space in between the rocks and the pebbles. His students were amazed.

“No, now I would not ask you the same question,” he said. All his ex students who were now experts in their own fields had big smiles on their faces.

“This jar denotes your life. The rocks here symbolize your family and loved ones. You are simply nothing without their existence. The pebbles are other important aspects of your life. For example your own house, car, job or let’s say your savings. These are important things but not as important as your family and loved ones. The sand symbolizes the rest of the things. Did you get my point?” the old professor said.


“ Look, if instead of rocks I put the sand into the jar there will sure be no space for anything else, important or less important. In the same manner, you must plan your life and manage time. Those who waste a lot of energy over things that are less important can never achieve success and even if they get success, it never makes them feel content. Even the universe has planned it this way. Learn to set your priorities straight and then manage every single minute you have so that you get good results of your efforts. I bet a smile on your kid’s face is much more valuable for you than getting professional growth or making a big pile of money. If it is not so you are moving in the wrong direction my friends,” he explained.

There was pin drop silence in the room and everyone was in a thoughtful mood since every word they had heard made sense and it surely had changed the inner person within them.

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