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How to deal with hurt


When we interact with each other, we get hurt sometime or the other. You may be more vulnerable to something compared to others and no matter what happened to you, you have the power within you to heal your hurt. Here are some tips on how to deal with hurt.

Accept it completely

Once an event has happened or a situation has come up, no one can change it back to what it was. You need to accept that it has happened and that you are hurt. Understand that it is fine to feel hurt sometimes. It shows that you are a sensitive human being and there is nothing wrong with that. You can deal with any situation only when you accept it completely. Do not pretend that you are all right. If you are hurt, then face it. It could be some situation completely out of your control, but if it has happened, accept that it has and acknowledge the impact it has had on you.

Learn to forgive

Forgiveness is not an opportunity to have an upper hand over a relationship for the rest of your life. To forgive is to feel compassionate, put yourself in the others shoes and relate to his deeds. To err is human. The other person can make a mistake and so can you. When you understand this, only then can you completely forgive and forget. Sometimes, it is you who needs the forgiveness. Don’t be partial. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Focus on the intention more than the action. You intend well for yourself and try to do the best you can all the time. There is no need to blame yourself or God for anything that has happened and was out of your control.

Believe that whatever happens, happens for the best

This is a simple but very effective mantra to deal with hurt feelings. Believe that it is not the people who perform actions. Look at life as a play where every person has a role to play. Sometimes, you need to get hurt and learn your lessons in order to be successful in some aspects of life. Face it with dignity and believe it is good for you. This will give you faith and instant strength to move on with life.

Learn to let go

Our mind has the tendency to either go to the past or the future. When it goes to the past, it gets emotions like anger, guilt and disappointment. When it goes to future, you may feel worry, anxiety, fear, etc. So the best idea is to leave the past behind and see every day as the first day of your life. Living in the present moment makes life fun and easy to live.

Remember that change is an inevitable law of nature

We all know that change is the only thing constant in this world. We have seen it happen within ourselves as well as outside. If you are hurt or unhappy about a situation, recall this fact that everything whether good or bad is under a constant process of change. If good times were temporary, the bad times would change too. In fact, hurtful things happen to us so that we can fully cherish the good things in life later. Every adversity brings with it the chance to grow and be ready for the incredible gifts that the future holds for us. So get ready for the future and deal with the hurt as a temporary phase of life.

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