How to deal with a mean girl

deal with a mean girl

Life at high school can be very tough and depressing for someone who is being tormented by a mean girl. Mean girls form groups and tease other students. It is very important for a girl to know how to put her foot down and deal with a mean girl.

Don’t let your self esteem go down

Mean girls tend to pick on other girls who do not fit into a stereotype. They can destroy others’ confidence by teasing them and making their life hell at school. If there is a mean girl who is troubling you at school, don’t fall pray to her teasing. Don’t let her lower your self-esteem. Never cry if you are being bullied by a mean girl; you will only end up making a fool of yourself. Moreover, crying will only show that her teasing has been successful and you will be teased more because you acted like a sissy.

Ignore the mean girl

If you talk back to a mean girl, chances are that she will tease you more. By reacting to her teasing you are only making the process more enjoyable for her. Once she sees that her comments on your looks or dressing are affecting you so much that you resort to shouting back at her, it will only make her feel like she has succeeded in being mean to you. Moreover, she may also turn aggressive and threaten you with more teasing and bullying. There is really no limit up to which a mean girl can make you look feel bad in front of others. If you snap at her, she may start spreading false rumors about you and keep up such antics till she has proved that she has beaten you. To avoid all this, the best thing to do is to ignore the mean girl. Just quietly walk away from her with your head held high. Once she sees that her teasing is not having any impact on you, even she will lose interest in teasing you and may stop being mean to you.

Be overly nice to the mean girl

Sometimes reacting in a manner opposite to what was expected of you also works. When the mean girl teases you, she is hoping that you will either cry or talk back to her. In short, she is looking for a reaction. If you choose not to react in a way she expects you to, she will fail in her aim to tease you. So the next time the mean girl teases you, just smile at her and walk away. Be nice to her and ask her if she needs help with something. Just because she is mean towards you does not mean that you have to be the same with her. Try not to get affected by her comments and always adopt a positive attitude when dealing with her.

Make new friends

Look for other friends who truly respect you and will be there for you in your time of need. Good friends will also give you that much needed self-esteem when you are teased or bullied. Your friends will also be able to help you take your mind off the teasing incidents. The girl who is mean to you must be tormenting other girls too. Identify those girls and make friends with them. You will have similar experiences to share and will be able to support each other better. However, don’t worry even if you can’t find a nice group of friends at school. Engage in an after-school activity such as swimming, working at the local grocery store, painting class and so on. You might be able to meet people of your age from other schools.

Talk to your parents/teachers

If the teasing and bullying gets to a point that it starts affecting you mentally and emotionally, you need to share it with an adult. Talk to your mom or dad about what you are facing at school. Your parents are your support system and they will guide you in dealing with the mean girl. You can also speak to your class teacher or the school principal and report the mean girl’s behavior. One good strategy to adopt in this case is to try and keep an account of all the incidents when the girl was mean to you. It would be even better if your friends can act as witnesses to the incident. Your parents or the school authorities can use this proof to take action against the mean girl.

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