This is a quote which has a deep significance which is full of meaning. Feeling hurt? Are you wasting your precious tears? Why? Things which have already happened cannot be altered. Because it’s our past. We are not mechanical database which can be removed anytime. We have to live in our present. So search for those things which are made for you. Never waste your precious moments to think about the reasons which won’t work.
Why we have to forget something
Confidence is the keyword of our life. Be confident. If we want to motivate ourselves we have to have a positive outlook. We have to forget all the reasons which won’t work because it is simply wastage of time. If we think about these kinds of negative reasons our mind is automatically bent towards pessimism. When the reasons fail, we will feel helpless and defeated. It can make a negative impact on our mind. After several times of failure, we will lose our confidence. Then we can’t proceed with the task which we assumed would be successful.
So we have to be calm, think deeply about one reason which will work. If it will work then we will be the happiest person in the world. A positive effort is very important to bring a new wave into their lives. It will save us to get influenced by the negativity of our daily life.
What is the main problem?
It is a very common thing that many people focus on all unworkable reasons but they can’t think about the thing which can happen. When we are worried many reasons come which we don’t want to happen. But we keep ourselves far away from those reasons which we do not want to happen. I think most of us face the problem very often. Actually, when fear is in our mind, it is not possible to focus on the right thing. We only think about what we fear and what fear means.
Fear is a feeling. We feel what we think. When we think about fear, it can’t be possible that our body can feel on a real physical level. Our body can’t differentiate which is wrong which is right. The body always reacts when we are in real danger. So we have to forget all which will not work. We have to stop focusing on the possibility of danger or failure. Believe in yourself and think about the reasons which will work. We have to make self-confidence and wait for the beautiful things which are waiting for us. If belief and faith are with us then ‘we shall overcome’. Don’t give fear a second chance to make a negative impact on your self-confidence. Make your desire successful and bid your fears goodbye.
Be positive
You should always be positive in life. Do not keep any space for negativities. Most people usually think of the negatives and do not try to focus on the positives of life. We should try and focus on the reasons that can happen and not on the reasons that will not happen. How often do you find yourself focusing on things that you don’t want to happen rather than focusing on the thing that you want to happen? If you conduct a survey, you will find that most people do it. When we are scared about something, we keep on worrying about that particular thing. We are weak people who keep on thinking about things that are happening around us.
Where the mind is without fear
Fear is a feeling that comes from within us. We always keep thinking about fear. The fact is that your body cannot differentiate between a made up fear and an actual fear. There are various reasons that you have to fear but if you stop thinking about fear, you will see that life has become much easier. Try and console your brain, forget all the reason that won’t work and stop focusing on the possibility of failure.
Whenever you feel that you are thinking of something which is not there, concentrate on positive vibes. Start to believe in the reasons as well. Start believing in the reasons why it will work and try to focus on the possibilities that this world has in store for you. Believe in God, have faith in yourself, and you will find that things are working just the way that you desire. There are various kinds of fear. They are Fear of the dark, fear of ridicule, fear of failure, fear of unworthiness and many more. Try and tame your fears.
Believe in yourself
Believe in yourself. And believe that whatever you are doing is the right way out. Forget the reason that seems to give you pessimistic vibes and always build an air of confidence around yourself. In this way, you would feel the difference. If you truly want success, never give up on it. You gain strength, courage, and confidence with every episode of life.
How you can move out the negative energy from within
There are various ways in which you can try and dominate your negative feelings. Try and listen to good music. Try and read books which are of knowledge and philosophical thoughts. Also, try and meditate every day. Meditation gives rise to positive vibes. You can make some good friends who would give you good suggestions and the gift of love.
In conclusion, just try and forget the reasons which would not lead you to anywhere. Try and think about things that are good for your soul and heart.
A very famous quote by Rabindranath Tagore can be mentioned in this regard. “Where the mind is without fear and head held high”.
Another great way to remove your negative energy from within is to replace it with core positive values. Read on to know how you can replace your negative insights with the positive ones to lead a better, happier life.
Instill positive core values, get rid of the negative ones, create happiness
Personal values help you give the right direction to your life. Personal values nurture your attitude and strengthen your efforts to give the best result of your efforts. People who base their lives on values find it easy to follow their dreams and realize them. Values strengthen your efforts and make you successful in life. At the same time, you must make conscious efforts to get rid of the negative core values that pull you backward in life.
Integrity and wisdom
Integrity takes you a long way in life. It helps you simplify your life and works as your guardian angel when things get tough. Those people who value integrity have meaningful relationships that keep them strong during the course of achieving their goals. You not only get the love and support of others around you but them to follow your footsteps. In a similar manner, wisdom helps you rely upon your abilities and give you valuable experiences in life that actually make you a winner in life.
Compassion and honesty
Honest people always lead a contented and happy life since they are satisfied with their own efforts. They follow their own instincts and expect the best result of their efforts. When you do the right things, you get an eternal peace of mind, which is above everything else. Along with that, you must have the ability to relate with unfortunate others around you. Offer your help to people who struggle hard to make two ends meet and live day by day. Those people who make conscious efforts to make others happy actually count their own blessings.
Forgiveness and decisiveness
Life moves around forgiveness and love. It takes a big heart to forgive those who hurt you but at the same time, it leads you to eternal happiness. And it feels liberating as you find it easier to move on in life with new options. It is also important that you make a wise decision in your life and live with the consequences. Every single decision gives a new direction to your life and makes your life worth living.
Negative core values
The need to be perfect, to get an approval and to be liked by all others, are only a few of many negative core values. Those who always seek acceptance from others for everything end up feeling disappointed in themselves. The need to be liked to get approval for every little thing is a path of destruction for your true self. You must realize the importance of your own efforts and take control in your hands. You are the creator of your destiny, as you know yourself to the core. Live life your way and make your own identity to inspire even others.
Deeply analyze your options
Once you are aware of your negative core values, make efforts to get rid of them or to turn positive ones. It is important that you find out the need that is satisfied by that negative motivation. When you are aware of the positive value that lies behind the need, you can easily reframe the negative motivation. For example, people seek approval from others to satisfy the need belongingness. Another aspect of the issue may have to do with helping all others and being nice to them, which can eventually help you satisfy the need. Live a simple life that has meaning and purpose.
Your fundamental beliefs work as guiding principles that direct your behavior and action. Positive core values help you differentiate between good and bad to make important decisions in life.