It is recorded that more than 7% of the whole population of teens are now engaged in drug abuse at present. They are using various types of narcotics, stimulant medicines, and cough syrups etc. as drugs. Controlling drug abuse is of utmost importance to the society. Here are a few methods by which one can deal with drug abuse.
Feeding the minds of the youth with positivity
Detailed research and study has shown us that quite a high percentage of drugs consumption is done by the youth of today. This might happen due to the negativity and darkness prevailing in their minds which is in high need of complete eradication. Such darkness can only be annihilated by extensive use of positivity and its promotion. Investment in today’s youth is one of the best ways to do this. Funds for job training programs, after school programs and teaching programs should be raised for the betterment of the youth. Regular ‘Say no to drugs’ campaign should be held around schools and colleges. This will not only encourage them but also help them slowly obliterate the use of narcotics and other harmful substances.
Stricter law systems and the police
The police all over the world have been working day and night trying hard to bring out some betterment in the situation of today. Quite a lot of them have been successful in producing substantial results by drugs seizure, arrests of addicts, imprisonment of drug smugglers. Yet drug massacres still continue to prevail. There have been several laws that have been framed in the books of the law but yet not implemented till date. For the subvertation of the drug abuse today, implementation of stricter and rigid laws need to be done. Only then can proper control be achieved in the hands of the law. Border patrols should be made aware of illegal drugs coming into their country and they should stop and deal with such drug smugglers.
Restoration of justice to the international law
The enforcement of drugs is quite racially unfair at every step of the justice system worldwide. It is constantly seen that the whites have an unfair advantage over the blacks when it comes to judgment. Sham testimonials have been implemented by the police to prove their searches and convict their suspects is quite common nowadays. Acknowledgement of racial unfairness and then restoration of proper justice to the system is very mandatory. The contrariety between powder and crack cocaine sentencing has had a very unfair racial impact on the society. The disparity can be put to an end by reducing crack sentences similar to that of powder cocaine. New international laws should be set up with a global outlook to handle such cases. Not just for cocaine but for any form of drugs. Moreover, drugs used to enhance performance for athletes should be monitored well to prevent misuse.
Focus on economic development
Production of drugs involves a lot of money. If some governing bodies can enact new laws to prevent investment in the drug industry, the production of illegal drugs can be decreased. The incentives for the production of drugs can be depraved by focusing on the economic development and thus relying on civilian institutions and not on the military institutes for elimination and authoritative prohibition. Serious approach towards alternative development initiatives is highly essential for the betterment of the situation. Demands at home must be abated because supplies originate in surplus only when there is high demand. This is believed to be one of the most effective international strategies implemented till date to combat against increasing sale of illegal drugs. Aerial fumigation programs need to be put to a stop due to the increasing human costs and environmental expenses.
Enforcement of the law on the most dangerous international criminals
It’s been found out by exploration and research that more than half of the arrests all over the world have been on charges of marijuana and drugs possession offenses. The police have been wasting their time arresting the criminals and treating them with low level violence. This in turn wastes the time of the court authorities as well and fills the prisons. The United States has been found to have the highest prison population on charges of drug abuse and drug possession. Since petty cases can waste time of the law, the government should focus on the large cases that cross international boundaries. They should be united to handle criminals and drug dealers who sell these drugs to various countries in the world thereby promoting the use of drugs by teenagers and young adults.