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How to deal with being cheated on

Cheating is unacceptable

Cheating is unacceptable in any kind of relationship and no one expects to live with a cheating partner and suffer in silence. Before you take the final step of separation, it is worth to take a look if the relationship can be saved. Here are some ways to deal with being cheated on.

Direct confrontation

When you come to know that you are being cheated on, there is no point in nursing your wounds in silence and carrying on a life with the person who you know have been disloyal towards you. Confront the person directly and ask him/her if what you have heard is true. You can discreetly find out if the allegation is true before you confront him/her. This will help you analyze his/her reactions and decide if the person is actually telling the truth or not. Many people falter when they are confronted directly without any warning. They may not have any excuses ready in such cases and falter under the constant questioning. Some might break under the pressure and even tell the truth. Based on the outcome of the direct confrontation, you can decide as to what the next course of action can be.

Talk it out with the person

A direct confrontation almost always ends on a bitter note and both the people involved will be hurling abuses at each other. This is not the time for talking and arriving at a solution. Ensure that both of you have calmed down before talking to each other. Discuss about the future of your relationship whether it is a spouse that is cheating or a work partner or a friend. If things can be worked out and you still feel that you make a great pair together, you must give the cheating partner one chance to correct his mistake. However, you must be cautious about his behavior and protect yourself against cheating. If you find that there is no change in the behavior, then you need to assess as to whether you want to continue or not. If the cheating person genuinely regrets cheating on you, he/she will not repeat the mistake and will also do his/her best to make amends.

Forgive if it’s worth one more chance

A person who has cheated on you and genuinely wants to correct his/her mistake deserve a chance and if you are generous and forgiving, you must make it a point to continue your association with the person and forgive the person for one time. Forgiving does not come easy and in most cases, people go separate ways as being cheated on can be extremely traumatizing whatever situation it is and also when you have been very honest and truthful. Try and be forgiving if you have been associated with the person for several years and if you are in a relationship where kids are involved. You can work out a pact between the two as to what kind of relationship you want to share and whether it is going to be just for the sake of kids. Sometimes, such adjustments are required for the sake of family. It is also required for the well being of the kids.

Set aside time for each other

Once the communication between you two has improved and you have decided to put the matters behind you, you must be careful as to avoid instances where the cheating partner is again tempted to cheat on you. If it is a relationship, find ample time to spend with each other and talk to each other so that you remain in trust. Even if it is a business relationship, one must be careful as to be very friendly and helping towards each other so that the question of cheating does not arise.

Be transparent and open

Transparency and truthfulness are essential qualities that are required in all kinds of relationships and such relations which are based on finer qualities like respect, openness and trust will not have any reason to distrust each other and cheat on each other. All relations based on these qualities will be successful and people normally do not tend to cheat in such circumstances. It is when jealousy, distrust and lack of communication seep in that cheating and other problems arise. In a relationship, one must be well attuned to the other and there should not be any cause for unhappiness and lack of support which can lead to one partner going astray and doing things which are unacceptable and traumatic to the other.

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