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How to deal with anger issues in kids

anger issues in kids

Stress, peer pressure or disturbances in the family are the most common causes for anger issues in kids. The kids tends to break under the pressure and become angry. However there are simple ways of dealing with anger issues in kids.

Set a good example and control your anger

Kids follow their parents blindly, in all their actions. Children look up to their parents as their idols and try to copy their every move in dealing with issues in life. They are good observers. Therefore, it is essential for parents to control their own anger. They should never demonstrate their anger before their kids, as the kids may copy this and later demonstrate this while dealing with their own problems. Maintain your calm even when dealing with an extremely irritating situation. If you manage your own anger well, you will be setting a good example before your kids, on anger management. An effective way of handling your own anger is to go out in the open and inhale some fresh air and calm your mind before you enter the house again. Otherwise, you may end up showing your anger in front of your kids.

Teach them calmness

Teach your kids how to keep calm and patient, even in the most difficult of situations. You can point out to your kids that demonstrating anger is a sign of weakness. Keeping your calm and solving the issue which has angered them is a better solution and helps to avoid arguments with people. However, you should be aware of the fact that you should practice what you preach. If you are preaching these ideas to your child, you should follow them when you are under stress. Children will follow your footsteps and learn how to handle situations in which they get angry. Children get angry very fast and hence if you divert their minds to a much silent activity they can learn how to channelize their anger. Another way of maintaining calmness in your kid is by telling them to count back from ten to one. This will help them in calming their mind. Even you can practice yoga or deep breathing exercises with your child, to help in controlling their anger and also for maintaining peace of the mind.

Share their feelings

Your child is another individual who also needs someone to listen to their problems, however trivial it may sound to you. Talking with them and giving a lending ear to their problems, makes you his friend. He will be able to confide his or her problems in you and learn to control his or her anger. Winning his trust so that your child shares all his problems with you is a big achievement. Often your child feels frustrated because he has no one to share his problems with. Your guidance and help can resolve their problems and you will be able to have a peek into his psyche and his mental turmoil, which has vented off as anger. Never act as a bossy parent, rather try to become their friend. This helps in communication and also in bridging the generation gap.

Teach them to solve their problems peacefully

Another useful way of handling anger in your child is by teaching them to sort out their problems in a peaceful manner. Point out to them the usefulness of solving an issue in a peaceful manner rather than resorting to anger. Try to teach them the importance of communication. Make them understand that many trivial issues arise out of miscommunication. Hence they should listen to others and talk about their problems, to solve them. Demonstrating anger will not solve the matter rather it will aggravate the matter. Your child will take time to adopt the techniques of solving their own problems, peacefully. You should however be patient with them and refrain from demonstrating impatience, as that may have negative implications on the learning process of your child and may lower his self-confidence.

Compliment their actions

Children often get frustrated when they find that their actions are not appreciated by their parents. They feel unimportant. This feeling accumulates in their mind and it vents out as angry outbursts. To avoid such situations, take an interest in the activities of your child. Compliment them from time to time when they have done a good job. You can compliment them when they have won accolades at sports, or when they have scored well in the examinations or even when your child had painted some scenery beautifully. You can even encourage them when they do small deeds on their own and finish them successfully. These appreciations will lead to boosting their morale and they will no longer feel neglected. Feelings of frustration will also disappear. Anger can be channelized into doing something fruitful. When your child gets angry over a failure, then encourage them to do that activity again and again, till they excel it. You can also help them learn better ways of doing that activity. This will help them understand that instead of getting angry, it is much better to keep trying harder.

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