All problems have a resolution- what requires is thinking

Woman thinking and looking up

If you are really having a serious problem, it is no use cribbing over that problem and making it an issue. Problems are a part and parcel of every body’s life and people should know how to live with it. After the rain comes the sun! Similarly after every problem there is a solution which one should try to find out instead of just cribbing over the problem. If you delve into the fact, you will find that every problem has its own solution. You just need to pay attention to the problem and have the nerve to solve the same. Everyone has some kind of worries at one time or another. When you are facing a problem, the problem needs to be addressed to instead of letting it go. Problem brings worry to a human being and in turn challenges one to cope with it. When the dilemma is in succession tackled, worry automatically disappears. As it has been rightly quoted by Norman Vincent Peale: “If you don’t have any problems, you don’t get any seeds”.

There are some people who have the habit of worrying without any consequence. However one should understand that worrying or being tensed in not the solution to the problem. In order to tackle the problem, one should be patient, strong, and aggressive and should have a strong nerve.


Every cloud has a silver lining”

This is a proverb which is very true in real life. Ups and down as are a part of your daily life. It is not the problem that one should concentrate on, it is the way that people deal with the problem and can sustain till the end. The tackling of the problem makes the problem a disappointment or achievement. Anticipation and persistence are the two major elements that will help you create a path towards success. Along with that optimism is a must. A very live example of hope against hope is from the movie the “life of Pi”.As nature rules state, if you have sadness, you will also have happiness at the end. This is the balance of nature.

“At the end of the dark tunnel there is light”

If you feel that your life is going through tremendous turmoil and anxiety and you are going through bad times and seem that life will come to an end, always hope for the best and hope for happy times. There is definitely a solution to every problem and if you think hard, a best possible one.


How to solve a problem

Without cribbing about the problem learn how to solve it. Do not think about the problem. Think about the solution.

  • Imagine the best kind of scenario which will help you to fix the problem
  • Think about different ways out, the pros and cons and the solution
  • Learn from your experiences
  • If you feel that there is nothing more you can do, just hope for the best and accept life as it comes.

Be optimistic and half of your problem will definitely be solved. Every problem as a solution and you must need to think over the problem with a serious and optimistic attitude.

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