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Wish To Know Yourself!

Wish To Know Yourself!


Wishes are mere reflections of what we think of ourselves. In other words, it is the perceptional output of what is on mind. You can judge individuals by their wishes. If someone thinks that he is weak and poor, he will wish for strength and wealth. That is how it goes for each of us.

We, humans sometime cross all the limits of foolishness by making choices, we don’t really know about. The same law goes with wishes. All our lives we keep drooling for materialistic prospects, and stay away from the power of self realization.

We, as optimistic creatures (mostly), start wishing right from our childhood. At teenage we yearn for toys and care, then we start wishing for girlfriend/boyfriend, then for a job, for a life partner and that is how it goes on. When somebody does this, its means that the person is absolutely clueless about his inner abilities.

Had they been aware of what they are up to, there is no way they would have ever run for these non-eternal stuffs. Rather than yearning for such things, you better aim to know yourself and then automatically everything will be at your doorstep.

Once you start to know yourself, you will gradually acknowledge that your limit is sky. You will realize that you are able to do all that you once believed is out of your reach, eventually earning you the confidence that there is nothing that you cannot do. Whether it is about doing something outside your subject or outside your financial limits, everything will seem feasible to you and you will be the master of yourself. With that been said; now I think we can talk about how to wish for self realization.

Self realization is about acknowledging our inner abilities. For that you must start having confidence in yourself. For example, when there is something that you want to do, and just because you think you are not able to do it, you take a back step. In that situation, have faith in yourself and take that challenge. Sincerely believe that you can do it and do all it takes. Chances are there that you will be able to do it. It is not a mere guess, but that has been said assuming that you will put in your best efforts that is exactly what it takes to get anything done. However, even if you remain unsuccessful at it, don’t feel bad about it, as you did all you could. Probably there is more that you need to learn about that task. Learn more and once again try it. I promise that soon you will be able to do it. While you do all this, you are actually wishing to know more and more about yourself that gradually makes you absolutely aware of all your inner abilities and eventually earn you a never ending confidence. This, after some time will make you exactly what you wanted to be.


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