Religion and Spirituality
People often switch from one religion to another. There aren’t any restrictions on practicing religions. There is complete freedom to it. However, with so many ideas, concepts and beliefs floating around, people actually get confused. People often confuse themselves with different religions and concepts. So, how does one really switch religions or jump into practicing a different religion? One will obviously have to navigate and search through all the existent religious concepts. There are innumerable books, stories and sagas on religion. Yet again, there is this aspect of spirituality which is also not to be confused with religion. Yes, spirituality and religion are 2 absolutely different concepts. Thus, if one practices spirituality, it doesn’t really mean that the person is religious. Spirituality can be achieved outside of religion as well. Moreover, spirituality and religion are 2 altogether different concepts. Yes, one can achieve spirituality within each and every religion if one desires but one can also achieve spirituality without religion, if desired. Spirituality can be achieved anywhere at any point in time, irrespective of the situation. A large number of people are influenced by spirituality these days. It isn’t necessary to be traditional or modern, in order to be spiritual. You can just be without putting in any effort.
The SBNR Populace
Though, one may not have to indulge in a lot of practices in order to be a part of a certain religion; attaining spirituality requires quite a lot of practice. One keeps on going to higher and higher levels of spirituality with experience. After a point in time, one can look at the person and figure out that he or she is spiritual. Yes, it is that easy to categorise spirituality if it is for real. As of today, a large number of people define themselves as spiritual but not religious. In fact, the term Spiritual But Not Religious has been abbreviated to SBNR. SBNR has become quite a popular term these days. Though, SBNR is still in its initial stages. Generally speaking, anyone who rejects religion and claims to be spiritual in spite of it falls in the SBNR category. SBNRs don’t believe that religion is a necessity to achieve spirituality. SBNRs are most popular in the American territory. Nearly half the population of USA claims to be SBNR. However, a lot of Americans who are religious and spiritual have retaliated to this fact and hence, one doesn’t exactly know. None the less, a large number of SBNRs exist all around the world. In some countries few and in some countries a lot more! Spiritual Independence
Usually, SBNRs don’t go to church. However, it is impossible to clearly separate them into 2 distinct compartments. It is next to impossible. For, somewhere or the other spirituality conjoins religion. Yes, one can choose to practice one without the other but the values of one are always going to overlap the other. Hence, one cannot really give spirituality and religion independent entities. Yet, they exist independently. However, of late people no longer use the phrase SBNR. This phrase has been replaced by the term of independent spirituality. The intention of this phrase is to remove the negation of the term SBNR. Thus, spirituality without religion is looked at positively. The term “spiritually independent” has been borrowed from the term “politically independent”. As of now, it is believed that it is the younger generation that leans towards SBNR. A lot of people today, claim to be more spiritual than religious. Thus, one cannot deny the fact that the younger generation is leaning more and more towards spirituality without the aid of religion. Each and every spiritual person has his or her own idea of spirituality. They practice spirituality in their own way. They have their own belief in the supernatural and they practice accordingly. They do not identify themselves with any religion.
Philosophies of Spirituality
Every other spiritual person that you meet shall cite a different philosophical explanation for following this path. It isn’t that these people don’t believe in god. Most of these people are believers of the almighty but they do not connect to the concept of religion. They simply believe in god. A large number of such people exist in the west. However, those who are firm believers of religion don’t agree to these things. They often refer to the term SBNR as a cliché. None the less, more and more people are leaning towards spirituality, leaving behind any religious repercussions. Also, the largest number of SBNRs are found in the USA. People leave away religion and lean towards spirituality owing to the restrictions that exist in the concept of religion without much logic or explanation. One cannot claim that religion is complete in itself and neither can one do so for spirituality. Thus, religion and spirituality are separate entities that co-exist in today’s world.