People always come up with a very common excuse that they could not finish the task since they could not focus. Another familiar reason is that they were not in a mood to finish the task and if it is not enough how about getting distracted on their way to get it done. So many reasons, but it all has to do with procrastination, a tendency to push things forward for another day. Here are a few reasons that people usually give for not meeting their deadlines.
Unexpected distraction
Can anyone really distract you if you don’t let them do that? There are people who always have a crave to answer all phone calls and reply each text message they receive. It is your fault if you let one of these reasons stand in the way of your productivity.
If you are one of those who take great pride in doing three things at one time, then you have to break the habit. You are not a superhuman or someone who has a magic wand that you could finish almost all three tasks with equal efficiency. It takes only a “yes” to agree to the fact that you can handle many tasks, but the fact is that if you have to divert your energy in three different directions, you can never be efficient in your work.
It makes a lot of difference if your give a serious thought to things before you actually implement them in your life. However, if you keep moving the same thought round and round in your head for hours without coming down to the conclusion then it is a complete waste of time.
Blame game
The blame game people often play is simply worth nothing. Blaming things on other people would instigate ill feelings and blaming it on fate is something that doesn’t change things a bit. Take responsibility since the one person who is going to get affected is you and you are the one who can bring about a change too.
You can’t control everything
There are things that are simply out of your control and if you tend to control them you would get nothing but disappointment. Let fate play its game, focus on what you can do best. A desire to control the fate would further get you into the trap of dissatisfaction and uncertainty. Learn to accept the reality since you can’t expect everything to go in your favor.
Learn to say no
It is a good idea if you love to help others to make things better for them. However, doing it at the cost of your success is not good at all. Learn to say no to people who always interrupt your schedule. You are the most important person at the end of the day and your work should be your priority.
It is not difficult to keep up with your daily routine if start living by the rule that you never let distractions steal your focus. It always helps you in life if you can manage time properly.