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How to deal with pregnancy

Pregnancy brings joy into a woman’s life but it also brings a lot of stress and strain. Getting help for stress and strain during the trimesters will sail you through a smooth journey. Here are some ways with which you can easily deal with the stress and strain during the three trimesters.

Eating dry foods like cereal, toast or crackers

Nausea is one of the common symptoms one goes through in the first trimester as result of hormonal changes until the body adjusts to the increased production of hormones. Eating dry foods like cereal, toast or crackers before getting out of bed or eating a high protein snack such as lean meat or cheese before going to bed can help to a lot of extent. One can also try eating small meals or snacks every 2-3 hours rather than three large meals and sipping on fluids like apple or grape juice throughout the day.

Resting, sitting, or lying in quietly in a low lit room

Headaches during pregnancy can be caused by tension, congestion, constipation, or in some cases, preeclampsia.Applying an ice pack on your forehead or at the back of your neck can give some relief. Or one could take Tylenol (acetaminophen) in moderation. Resting, sitting, or lying in quietly in a low lit room will also help.

Taking good care of your teeth and gums

The increase in blood circulation and supply of certain hormones may cause tenderness, swelling and bleeding of gums. The best way to tackle them is to take proper care of your teeth and gums. Brush the teeth and floss regularly. Periodical dental checkup will keep the teeth and gums from swelling.

Avoid standing or sitting in one place for long periods

Though varicose veins are believed to be hereditary, it can also be caused by an increase in volume of blood as well as the pressure of the growing uterus can slow the blood circulation sometimes causing the veins in the legs to become larger or swollen. The best way to avoid varicose veins is to avoid standing or sitting in one place for long periods. Get up and move around often. Try avoiding remaining in any position that would restrict the circulation in the legs. Keep the legs and feet in an elevated position while sitting. Exercise daily and regularly. Wear supportive hose and try avoiding any leg wear that is too tight.

Wearing low heeled shoes

Backaches are usually caused by the strain put on the back muscles and can also be caused by changing hormone levels, and changes in the posture. Wearing low heeled (but not flat) shoes can help. When pregnant avoid lifting heavy objects. When picking things up squat down with your knees bent. Never stand for long periods. If the need arises, place one foot on a stool or box for support. While sitting, place a small pillow behind your lower back and elevate the feet on a footrest or stool. Sleep on a firm bed. Always sleep on your left or right side with a pillow between your legs for support. Applying a hot water bottle or a heating pad on low setting or taking a warm bath or shower, or a massage would do well. On the advice of the your health care provider perform exercises, to make the back muscles stronger and help relieve the soreness.

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