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How to deal with lazy co workers


A lazy colleague may have a good time dilly-dallying his own work but he can be a real headache at work place. If you are trying to avoid a co worker with similar habits, these tips would help you out.

Learn to say no

Though you may enjoy occasional gossip sessions with such colleagues, one real problem can be their request for ‘help’ in work. There is nothing wrong in helping colleagues but don’t fuel someone’s inappropriate demands. A colleague who doesn’t take care of his deadlines may look for some escape goat who may do his share of work. So you need to be really wise before extending a helping hand to such lazy co workers.

Don’t indulge in too many gossip sessions with them

A few chats are alright, but more friendly you become to such people, more they expect you to ‘support’ them in their work. This support may actually cost you one to several hours of your work, plus it isn’t very good for your own productivity and work. It’s advisable to maintain a dignified distance with such colleagues so that your association with them doesn’t drag you into office gossips.

Educate them about importance of deadlines

If your co workers laziness affects your work it’s wise to tell them indirectly about the deadlines. Be straight while talking work with them and keep the demands or work clearly. Such people tend to ignore the deadlines often, so you need to be extra cautious and remind them about the exact time when they need to submit the work. Reminding at a safe time prior to the deadline wouldn’t give them a chance to come up with ‘Oh! I forgot I had the deadline’ excuse.

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