Mean bosses are generally mean by nature and it is very tough to change them. Some bosses are bound to be chronic critics. It is therefore important to focus on your job, rather than pondering over the behavior of your mean boss. You can rather adopt the below mentioned strategies to deal with mean boss.
Study the personality of your boss
You must try to study the overall personality of your boss. There are bosses who are mean with almost everyone around them. Some bosses are bound to be hyper critical of their own self. Understanding your boss can also help you compartmentalize the meanness of your boss with you, staff, clients and customers.
A deeper understanding of your boss personality can assist you in changing your behavior. You will be able to implement newer strategies to change the overall environment rather then intending to change the mean behavior of your boss.
Maintain a professional level
Even when your boss behaves indifferently, you must be able to stand and maintain a right degree of professional level. A good posture and wearing professional attire will be able to impart your success, talents, abilities and professional stature.
It is also important to keep challenging your boss especially when you are right. Raising a right point as and when appropriate will make your boss recognize that you can never be easily intimidated or underestimated with mean words or abuses.
Work along with your boss
Your boss might be working for long hours. You can consider working like your boss for the same hours like weekends, late hours and holidays too.
Showing your boss, the ethics of your professional work can definitely do wonders on his or her attitude towards you in the long run. Even the meanest boss can develop a right attitude and respect for a workaholic worker.