Those who say that lies actually take your life in a wrong direction must acknowledge the fact that sometimes a lie saves your relationship. Couples usually lie about things that really do not matter in the end, it is all right to lie if even after knowing the truth your partner does not feel bad about it. Sometimes people around you also stimulate certain faulty self-beliefs that get worse with time. Let us have a look at a few important aspects:
Lies that may or may not hurt
If your partner wants you opinion about how he/she looks right before you are about to leave for a family get together, you can take the liberty to lie. Weight, looks and trivial issues like the payment of electricity bills are not that important in life. If you love your partner, the way he/she is, nothing matters actually. On the other hand, those people who lie to hide important things from their partners or have something going on in their lives must think twice. Eventually their partners get to know about it and things get worse. Moreover, you cannot expect your partner to be honest with you until you follow the rule.
Faulty self-beliefs based on assumptions
Most people expect their partners to know them to the core. They expect their partners to read their mind and thoughts, which is practically impossible. Happy couples on the other hand share their feeling with their partners and respect each other’s opinion. In the similar manner, those couples who try to change their partners usually forget that it is not possible to change the basic nature of a person. You may have to enjoy thing that you really do not like simply because you wish to see your partner happy. Marriage may at times not fulfill all your dreams. You still need your friends and loved ones in your life as meaningful relationships are always valuable.
Marriage may not solve your problems
Those who believe that all their troubles would fade away once they get married may have to get disappointed. You may still be alone since marrying a person may not fill the gap. You must analyze your needs and requirement to do that. Even those who get married to get financial security must understand the fact that they still depend upon their partners to feel financially secure. Marrying the person you love may not land you with a big happy family and sometimes even parenthood fail to do so.
Self-beliefs that may end a beautiful relationship
Marrying a person means a promise to be with him/her in almost each situation, good or bad. Those who believe that they have got married to their partners not to their families must acknowledge the fact that family always comes first. Your differences do not take you in different direction if you know how to handle those differences. You cannot expect yourself to feel the same love for your partner all your life and that is all right. Happy couples make conscious efforts to rekindle their love life and always support each other.
Lies that are toxic
Even in worst case scenario there is always a hope that things will get better with time. One of the biggest lies or self-beliefs that most people entertain is that extramarital love affairs must end with divorces. On the contrary, you must give time to your partners to realize his/her fault and to repent. Many couples make efforts and live happily even after facing worse in their love lives. You cannot apply condition in your love life or base it on your own rules.
It is strange but there are no rules to follow. Love is a pure emotion that brings you close to your partner. Do not entertain myths and lies that may take you away from the love of your life.