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Is it Easy to Plug Holes in the Political System or Money will always find its Way there?

Predictions and Forecast

While some seek for the predictions and forecast, some look to their own.  Every city and town has its own culture of predictions when it comes to the market. Some use instinct while some diligently follow news channels for the same.

Predictions and Forecast of Money

Predictions and Forecast of Money is more uncertain than Weather Reports

The cultures are different even in the sae cities; so, all over the world is a different story. Unintended consequences of the law created the political donation honey pot. It took thirty years to scrub that up. This year we’ve the chance to eliminate the political donation honey pot before the succeeding federal election – which is strictly what voters expect to try and do. Soft money will find its way and seep into the political system and corrode it, unless we plug every hole. The biggest hole is the political donations followed by corruptions. As a Democracy, there are many plug holes than necessarily should be. It obviously makes things difficult for everyone. It makes it impossible to plug all the holes entirely.

Loopholes are good or bad?

Is it fair to have so many loopholes? Will the loop holes ever be done away with? Will people always be expecting the government to clean their act up or will they stand up for themselves? Is there always going to be a complete disregard for the law from the law makers and the followers alike? Will laws ever be implemented properly? There are way too many unanswered questions lurking upon us. In the last election,  with very little regard for the foundations, let political donation contributions go enthusiastically and turned our election method into like that of the West.

Election Battle

The Uncanny Election Battle

Anyone who watched TV felt like he had a front row seat at the elections as these teams battled it out.  The event was that despite our greatest efforts, several bucks in political donation from companies, unions, and loaded people to influence the election results. While these teams have a right to task in federal elections, there ought to be limits and people need to see that the limits should be enforced?  We don’t seem to be of a single spoken language theoretically and philosophically both. This ought to be abolished, merely that they must be certain identical laws everybody else is certain of.  The bottom line is — it’s time to drag within the reins on these horses. That’s what our legislation sets on intent on do. We need to carry these in restraint and restore integrity to our campaigns. This goes on thanks to resolution on that downside. No one seems to be keen enough to stand up against it.

soft money

Start with yourself and then make way for others

As long as there will be loopholes in the law, as long as there will be no escape for soft money; it will always find its way into the political system, some way or the other. This is not an easy way out. A whole lot of hard work is required to get out of this. For, the situation has worsened more than it necessarily should have been. The soft money comes off the pockets of the common man and finds its way to the pockets of greedy, wealthy and corrupt politicians. No one likes it, everyone is grudging about it and yet, everyone is participating in it. If you want to put an end to this, you will definitely have to start with yourself first. If you yourself stop indulging in corrupt means, it is the beginning of change. Many more will follow you and rise up against the so called loopholes that exist in the system. Only then will it be possible to plug all the holes that exist. Hence, always make sure that you don’t participate in corrupt and illegal activities yourself. It is a good idea to not shell out bucks to the cops or to the government servants when trying to get your work done and you will soon have a corruption free society. That will mean 1 big hole has been plugged. The other one, the one of political donations, welfare etc. is a tough nut to crack but where there is a will, there is a way. Hence, always make sure that you aren’t accepting any favours in exchange of votes from any of the leaders.

Thus, one can see that the elections were a tough one and that how crazy the whole system is with these countless loopholes and plugging them is going to be a long and hard journey. Yet, if you want something, no one can stop you.

Summary – The article is about how soft money always makes its way into the corrupt political system because there are always so many holes in it and ways through which it can be stopped.

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