Choking occurs due to blockage in the upper airway causing breathing difficulty in the affected person. Food or other objects, usually pass through the esophagus, but can sometimes enter the tracheal passage blocking the airway. Choking can prove very fatal at times, so it is always better to equip oneself with information and get trained in order to take appropriate action rather than waiting for medical help. Listed below are some techniques and measures you can implement to deal with it.
Act fast and provide first aid, choking is a true medical emergency
It is essential to assess the condition very fast and provide first aid immediately. Support and reassure the person till help arrives. A complete airway obstruction needs immediate help, as, lack of oxygen can irreversibly damage the brain or cause death in few minutes. Chances of recovery reduce as time passes, so prompt action is needed if the object or blocked food cannot be removed with self care or first aid. Ensure the patientâs safety by laying the person (if found to be unresponsive) mouth towards side to prevent rolling over.
Life support will be given, in case of an emergency and other tests will be carried out to find out the cause for choking .The patient will be evaluated by the medical team for further treatment.
Try abdominal thrusts
Abdominal thrusts can be given, but with caution and only by someone trained to handle the condition as injuries can occur. Five quick thrusts can be administered to create an artificial cough and force the diaphragm upward, reducing the size of the chest cavity, thereby compressing the lungs and forcing air out. The object blocking the airway will usually come out along with the air thus clearing the blockage.
When you are all alone during the attack then try bending your belly over a firm object and force yourself into the object or lay your fist against your stomach (upper side) and grasp it with your other hand and press in order to deliver a self abdominal thrust.
Other first aid techniques to try
Soft blows can be given in the space between the shoulder blades (from the back) using the heel of your hand after making the person lean forward so that the object or food blocking their passage will come out of their mouth instead of going down. This technique creates pressure in the airway and can clear the blockage. Wait for some time after each blow to see if the object blocking the airway has dislodged. Support the person with your hand by standing slightly behind, towards a side and continue this technique till the blockage clears. In case, all this does not seem to work, then it is essential to contact the emergency services.
Avoid giving any fluids as they may even restrict the airway passage
Suggest the person to keep chin tucked up or in the downward condition and try swallowing, if possible. Fluids should not be given as they will further block the passage of air. Do not start giving food even if the blockage clears, unless you determine the swallowing capacity of the person.
Suggest the person to cough forcefully to clear the airway
Coughing can dislodge the blocked object, so it should be encouraged and allowed till the blockage gets cleared. The affected person will be able to cough if the obstruction is mild. However, in case of severe choking, the person might not be able to cough. Coughing can also be initiated by putting your arms around the person and tightening your fist with your other hand in the midway just below the ribs and make quick, hard movement in both directions in order to assist the person to cough.
Choking is more common in children, as, they end up putting different things in their mouth. In case, the airway is only partially obstructed, the child will be able to cough, slowly pat the childâs back to initiate coughing. When choking is severe, the child might find it difficult to breathe also, approach emergency help at the earliest. Never attempt to turn the baby upside down or shake in order to dislodge the object as it worsens the condition.
Using the above techniques as first aid, it is possible to successfully treat the choking episode at home itself and a visit to the hospital may not be needed. However, it is possible to avoid such conditions by taking some basic precautions like chewing food properly, avoid talking or laughing while eating food, avoid alcohol and drugs as they affect the swallowing mechanism.