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How to deal with a bad teacher

deal with a bad teacher

Teachers are some of the most influential people in our lives and when they go bad, the going gets tough for you. The following steps will help in managing an inept teacher.


Primarily, you must try to find out if there is some fault within yourself which makes you think negatively about your teacher. Try to judge the teachers on how others feel about him, if he is not good, others will also feel so. Don’t let personal enmity or ego hinder your learning process. There maybe some problem in your communication with the teacher, which should be sorted out by talking and should not be avoided. Do not give them a chance to complain about your commitment to their subject; always give it your best shot.

Realize that it’s your loss not the teacher’s

One mistake that most people make when they dislike a particular teacher is that they stop taking the subject seriously. You should not dislike or avoid the subject just because you do not like the teacher. You must realize that in ignoring the subject, you will be at the receiving end during your examinations. If the teacher is not up to the mark, you have to try to study even harder in that subject to make up for his lack of effort. Avoid getting into arguments with the teacher and do not allow them to demotivate you from working hard.

Make a group

When countering with an inept teacher, it is highly unlikely that you alone will be suffering. There are bound to plenty of other students who are facing this problem, who can help you and themselves too. Make a group of dedicated students who will work upon this particular subject. Allocate certain chapters to certain students to reduce the work load. A group will also come handy if you need to lodge a complaint against the teacher to higher authorities, because a large number of people will be taken more seriously. Try to communicate with your teacher first before complaining.

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