
Stott Pilates workouts for men and women to get into shape

9 effective Stott Pilates workouts for men

Stott Pilates aims at achieving optimum musculus-skeletal performance and helps realign the curves of the body. Pilates exercises help one regain body-shape and maintain a good posture along with providing a string of health benefits and relieving tensions. It helps build strong and lean muscles, improves core strength, enhances balance and stability. Read through for different Stott Pilates workouts for men:

Foam roll exercises

Foam roll

For an effective workout using the foam roll, place the elongated foam roll vertically such that it is parallel to the spine. Lie down on it, bend your legs at the knees for better stability. Now, raise both your arms upwards and join them together. Roll on the foam roll to the left, stretch your joined hands to the right, only as far as you can, don\’t over exert. Slowly return to the original position in the middle. Perform these in five sets of repetitions. Breathe normally while performing these exercises and concentrate on engaging the abs, keeping the pelvis aligned to the body and the shoulder blades pulled back. This exercise helps tone up the abdominal muscles and also works on the obliques.

A long stretch with the Stott Pilates reformer

Rest your feet on the headrest and place your hands on the foot bar such that your body is in a straight line from the head to the toe. Pull back your shoulders and engage the abdominal muscles. Inhale and pull back your shoulder blades pressing your legs down and stretch the muscles of the shoulders while pushing your legs away from the foot bar. Exhale and return to the original position. Perform this exercise in sets of five and hold each stretch for about five seconds for better results. This exercise improves the overall shape of the body, especially the upper back. It also firms up the calves, thighs, and buttocks.

Flex band exercises

Flex band exercises Lie down on a mat, hold the flex-band stretched completely by your hands. Ensure that while stretching the band, your hands are also properly aligned folded only at the elbows and not on the wrists. Engage your abs and keep your spine in proper alignment with the feet and the head. Fold your legs at the knees and bring them closer to the stomach now push the stretched flex-band with your legs flexing only the calf muscles. Push it as far as possible, then return to the original position. Repeat in sets of three for best results. This exercise tones the abdominal muscles, thigh muscle, calf muscles, arms, and buttocks.Lie down on a mat, hold the flex-band stretched completely by your hands. Ensure that while stretching the band, your hands are also properly aligned folded only at the elbows and not on the wrists. Engage your abs and keep your spine in proper alignment with the feet and the head. Fold your legs at the knees and bring them closer to the stomach now push the stretched flex-band with your legs flexing only the calf muscles. Push it as far as possible, then return to the original position. Repeat in sets of three for best results. This exercise tones the abdominal muscles, thigh muscle, calf muscles, arms, and buttocks.

Hand pendulums

Hand pendulums is an exercise that involves moving the hands starting from the shoulder blade to the palms in a continuous pendulum-like motion. Start this exercise by standing straight and relax the entire body. Stretch the hands straight in front of you. Breathe normally as you move the hands in a swift pendulum-like motion. Take care not to flex any other muscle of the body and keep the rest of the body absolutely stable. This exercise can be performed for four to five minutes. It helps tone the arms and the muscles of the upper body.

Medicine ball exercises – one of the most useful Stott Pilates workouts for men

Medicine ball exercises

This exercise requires you to breathe normally, engage the abs, keep the body in perfect alignment such that the pelvis is in line with the rest of the body, the shoulders are pulled back and the feet are shoulder length apart. Bend your legs at the knees and prop your back on the medicine ball, use your feet for added stability. Inhale and lift yourself up using the abdominal muscles and hold this position for three to four seconds. Exhale and return to the original position. Perform these exercises in sets of ten for maximum benefits. This exercise tones the abdominal muscles, thigh muscle, calf muscles, and buttocks.

Hip rotations – one of the best Stott Pilates workouts for men

Hip rotations have proven to be very effective when it comes to toning the abdominal muscles, thigh muscle, calf muscles, and buttocks. It also helps correct posture and reduces the fat accumulated around the mid-section. Lie down on a mat, engage your abs and keep your spine in proper alignment with the feet and the head. Raise your legs without bending them; use only the abdominal muscles to do so. Rotate the legs from the hips using the muscles of the abdomen. Rotate the legs clockwise and anti-clockwise in sets of five or six repetitions to perform these Stott Pilates workouts for men effeciently.

Touching legs with the head

Touching legs with the headSit cross-legged on a yoga mat and keep your back straight, rest your hands near the stomach. Breathe deeply allowing the chest to expand and contract with ease. Bend slowly from the spine trying to touch the legs while maintaining the overall posture. Hold that position for five to ten seconds, breathing deeply all the time. Now, return to the original position. Concentrate on engaging the abs, keeping the pelvis aligned to the body and the shoulder blades pulled back, while performing this exercise. Perform this exercise in sets of five. This exercise is a high-intensity one and targets the muscles of the abdomen, toning it in the process. No wonder it is one of the most effective Stott Pilates workouts for men.

Body curls

Sit on a mat, engage your abs, fold your legs at the knees stretch, your hand over your knees as far as possible without exerting yourself. Inhale and bend backward and go all the way down but stop one inch above the ground using only the buttocks and the abdominal muscles. Exhale and return to the original position with the hands stretched outwards. Perform these exercises in sets of twenty or for about two minutes for maximum benefits. This exercise tones the abdominal muscles, thigh muscle, calf muscles, and buttocks. It helps achieve a good posture and complete stability.

Stomach crunches


Sit on a mat, engage your abs, fold your legs at the knees stretch your hand over your knees as far as possible without exerting yourself. Inhale and bend backward and go all the way down but stop one inch above the ground using only the muscles of your back and the abdominal muscles. Exhale and return to the original position with the hands stretched outwards. Perform these Stott Pilates workouts for men in sets of ten for maximum benefits. This exercise tones the abdominal muscles, thigh muscle, calf muscles, and buttocks. It also helps lose excess weight, if any.

9 High caliber Stott Pilates exercises for women

A perfectly shaped physique defines the elegance and aura of a woman. Nowadays, Stott Pilates exercises are recommended by various physiotherapists due to their high caliber exercises for providing perfect shape to women. There are various benefits of Stott Pilates such as balanced flexibility, injury prevention, sports proficiency, improvement in coordination plus circulation and heightened physical awareness.

There are 9 high caliber Stott Pilates exercises namely stomach crunches, sitting crunches, body curls, hand pendulums, hip rotations, foam roll exercises, rolling like a ball, double leg kick and boomerang. Read on to know about them.

Stomach crunches

Stomach crunchesStomach crunches begin with the person lying flat on the back. Hips should be apart neutrally positioned spine. It should neither be flattened nor arched by force. To begin, the person should inhale deeply and nod the head to some extent. In the next step, the person is supposed to exhale and curl up the upper thoracic region without pressurizing lower back region. Arms should be raised slightly while curling up the upper body. Afterward, the person should deeply inhale while holding the current position and return back to the first position after exhaling. This is supposed to be repeated 5-8 times.

Stomach crunches can effectively move the rib cage to the pelvis region while flexing the upper torso. It tones and fortifies the abdominal muscles shaping up the stomach abs. There are certain factors to be avoided while performing stomach crunches. These factors include neck stiffening, improper neck positioning, and incorrect breathing. There can be postpartum crunch complications and such women should avoid stomach crunches till a reasonable time duration.

Body curls

Boomerang is done in a seated position with the vertical pelvis and flexed spine over legs. Legs should be laterally swiveled as well as adducted with extension along with the mat. Arms should lie resting on the sides with palms facing downwards. Boomerang begins with exhalation where the person maintains the distance between legs and torso while rolling back on the upper body region. Legs should be kept overhead and parallel to the floor. During inhalation, the legs should be abducted wide along with the shoulders. Next exhalation stage begins by rolling up the lower body in V-shape and arms should be towards feet with palms facing the floor. Afterward, deep inhalation is followed by arms circling out to the back and side.

This should be repeated 4-6 times and it is required for the stability of the torso as well as scapula. Also, It is essential for muscles strengthening, stability, mobility, coordination, and balance. It can be combined with aerobic exercises for better outcomes.

Sitting crunches

Sitting crunchesSitting crunches begin with the person sitting on the buttocks with legs folded in an arc. Thereafter, the person is supposed to inhale deeply and move the arms up in the air at ninety degrees to the floor. Lower back should not be bent while doing this. In the next stage, arms are lowered by moving them forward onto the floor. While holding in this position, the person should inhale deeply and move back to the first position after exhalation. This exercise should be repeated 8-10 times for better outcomes. It is mandatory for flexing the pelvis, trunk and shoulder girdle.

Hip rotations

In this exercise, people need to keep their hips in coordination with the floor while laying flat on their backs. With flat shoulder blades on the floor, they need to roll out their necks from one side to another. It should be followed by a deep breath while tucking the chin in. Both the hands should be behind the ears while raising one elbow towards the opposite knee. People should not lift their elbow with the support of their arms. It should be raised to such a level where there is no gap between the lower rib cage and pelvis. Afterward, this exercise should be repeated for the other side of the body too. Both the workouts should be repeated five times separately.

People should not perform the exercise if their neck begins hurting while doing this. The basic motive for performing this exercise is the maintenance of core strength. It can help females in getting shaped abdominal muscles.

Foam roll exercises

Foam roll exerciseIn roll foam exercise, the person needs to lie on the form roll with scull resting at one end of the roll. Afterward, hands are raised towards the ceiling so that they are in the person’s peripheral vision. The feet should be widened on the floor so that they are not in coordination with the hips. The body should be rolled from one side to another with the help of feet and ribcage should be stable on the foam roller. The back should not bend and perform it 6-8 times. This exercise is required to strengthen the abdominal and back muscles.

Rolling like a ball

Rolling like a ball begins with balancing in a settled position. Workout aficionados need to roll away ASIS from femur for bringing sit bones weight back to the position. With approximate eye focus at knees, they should create a C-curve while flexing their spines. Hands should be under the knees or on shins with stabilized scapulae. Other postures in the starting position are adducted legs, flexed knees plus hips, gently pointed plus off mat toes and flexed ankles plantar.

While maintaining themselves in the aforementioned position, people need to contract their abdominals for deepening lumbar spine flexion. Afterward, there is a need to roll backward till the upper thoracic region. This is supposed to be done while inhaling. While exhaling, people need to roll ahead to the beginning position. These steps should be repeated 8-10 times in one go. People should avoid doing it if they are suffering from osteoporosis or low bone density. The basic essence of this exercise lies in targeting muscles, balancing and stabilizing.

Double leg kick

Double leg kickDouble leg kick begins with head curved to one side with a neutral pelvis, prone and spine. Legs should be adducted with parallel hips, extended knees, plantarflexed ankles, and gently pointed toes. Shoulders should be relaxed and forward with hands rested behind the back to the comfortable height. After deep inhalation, people need to exhale with a controlled pulse. The pelvis should be stabilized with flexed knees. Afterward, people need to inhale while maintaining the adduction of extended knees. With extended knees and wide shoulders, workout enthusiasts should tangentially alternate and abduct their legs. At the same time, scapulae should be stabilized along with extended thoracic. While facing the body, the palms should be touching the feet with lengthened arms.

In the next step, people should begin the exercise by exhaling and turning their heads to one side like the upper body. Both steps should be repeated 4-6 times separately. Finally, there is a need to exhale while lengthening arms, upper body, and legs on the top of the mat. Patients suffering from osteoporosis should either stop performing or modify double leg kick pilates. Double leg kick is focused upon targeting muscles, coordinating limb movements, spinal articulation, and pelvis stability.

Hand pendulums

Hand pendulum exercise can be performed either by lying flat on the back or by standing straight on the feet. However, the terminologies are different but both the performing postures are executed in one style. Inhalation is followed by raising one arm perpendicular to the body and then rotating it to its axis by 15 degrees. The extent of degrees can be increased to 30 degrees as per the capacity of the person. Afterward, the person is supposed to exhale while moving the arm back to the starting position.

The same exercise is repeated with the other arm and both the exercises should be repeated 5 times separately. This exercise is required for the betterment of sports performance and shoulder mobility.

The roll up

The roll upRoll up is extended and complicated version of the roll down exercise. It begins with people laying down on their backs and extending their arms to their ears. They need to keep their legs straight on the mat followed by a deep inhalation. There is a need to stretch out the arms and legs in a way like when people do after waking up in the morning. In the next exhalation stage, people need to keep their palms forward and lift their arms up. After attaining a perpendicular height by arms, people need to lift their head while managing to squeeze an unreal orange under their chins. Then, roll up movement begins by squeezing the inner thighs and butts while scooping up the abdominal region. There are other inhalation and exhalation stages also with a need to repeat them 6 times separately.

Like the neck pull, this exercise also focuses upon the abdominal region while relieving the stress in the thorax. It is also recommended as a way to articulate the spine by working them up from top to the bottom. Roll down is a preliminary version of the roll-up exercise and it is basically intended for shaping the back. Both the exercises should be performed together for the optimum results.

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