
The disadvantages that may come with the use of abortion pills

Millions of women around the world consider abortion pills as their first resort when it comes to terminating an unwanted pregnancy. Many women, in fact, prefer these pills to surgeries and other invasive methods to cease an early pregnancy. However, not many fully understand the disadvantages of using abortion pills to self-terminate a pregnancy, and may not have even considered that abortion might not be the best option. As such, here are some pointers that need to be carefully considered before opting for these pills.

How do abortion pills work?

Woman waiting for the birth of baby

Two of the most common abortion pills preferred by women include Mifepristone and Misoprostol. These medications can be easily availed on online medical stores as well as local pharmacies (provided there is no ban on using them).

When consumed, the medications cause the womb to contract multiple times and expel the pregnancy as a result. If not effective at first, a woman needs to take the medication again after 3 days. However, it is to be noted that the pills work best only when taken before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Taking the pills afterward can lead to severe complications.

Benefits of abortion pills

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Before delving into the downsides of abortion pills, let’s take a look at the reasons why many women prefer these pills to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

No need for physician visits:

In most cases, one can buy these abortion pills over the counter at any local pharmacy or online medical store. Travel and other related hassles can be avoided this way.

Early Termination:

Surgical termination of a fetus can be done only after the 6th or 7th week of pregnancy whereas one can opt for the pills as early as the 4th week itself, thus lessening the chances of discomforts and other side effects.

No admission required:

Surgical termination of pregnancy requires a woman to get admitted at a facility and bring along a person for the same purpose. This can be avoided with abortion pills which can be taken at home itself without the need for any additional help or support.

The cons of using abortion pills

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Now that we know why many women prefer abortion pills, let’s take a look at the myriad disadvantages of using these pills.

Excessive Uterine Bleeding:

This is the most dominant side effect of abortion pills. Women who take these pills will notice abnormal uterine bleeding which is usually accompanied by other symptoms like painful cramps, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In certain cases, the bleeding may continue for prolonged periods (even weeks), forcing the woman to undergo blood transfusions.

Time Consuming Procedure:

When compared to surgical termination which is quick, termination of pregnancy via the pills is not immediate. It will take at least 2 weeks for the uterus to empty out the fetal remains and pregnancy tissues completely, resulting in a lot of pain and discomfort during this period.

Increased Risk of Medical Emergencies:

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Chances are the pills may cause an adverse reaction in the body, leading to a medical emergency that needs to be treated immediately. The absence of a doctor or medical personnel in these cases can lead to life-threatening consequences.

Incomplete Termination:

There is no guarantee that abortion pills will be 100% effective in removing the fetus completely. There might be an incomplete termination wherein parts of the womb may remain in the uterus. This may cause serious complications like infections and injuries that may lead to pregnancy complications in the future. Or, this may even lead to infertility in the long run.

Birth Defects:

Studies have revealed that the use of abortion pills may lead to severe birth defects in the baby. This might happen if the baby survives the termination by chance. The use of Misoprostol, in fact, has been related to severe limb disorders in newborn babies.

Although widely used by women to terminate unwanted pregnancies, abortion pills come with a slew of side effects and complications.  One needs to understand these completely before opting for them.

Before you go…

Although many women may choose to self terminate their pregnancies through abortion pills for reasons of their own, there are many others who choose to carry their fetus for the full term inside them. If you are a woman who has opted to carry on with the pregnancy or know someone like this, read on to know about the vital vaccines that an expecting mother should take before and during the pregnancy to be on the safer side.

Important vaccines to take before and during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in a woman\’s life. It is also a phase that requires many precautions as well. When a woman is pregnant, she not only has to keep in mind her health; but also make sure that she does what is best for her child. Every step that she takes has to be made keeping in mind the well-being of her unborn.

 pregnncy-vaccinationThere are certain precautionary measures that a woman can take before and during her pregnancy. One such way to is to opt for certain vaccines. Before getting any of the vaccines mentioned in this article, please make sure that you speak to your doctor first. Also, get a blood test done to ensure that you are safe and take the vaccines recommended for you as per the results. Nevertheless, some of the different recommended vaccines before and during the pregnancy would include

The vaccines before pregnancy

Hepatitis B

sex partner

Women who pose a high risk of getting the Hepatitis B infection should defiantly consider taking this vaccine. This is also advisable for those women who have been sexually active with multiple sex partners especially in the past 6 months before you decide to get pregnant. The worst thing about this disease is that it can affect the baby and even be passed down to him/her.

Mumps, Measles, and Rubella

Amongst these three diseases, Rubella is the one that can be a major concern. This is because your baby could be born with certain defects due to the German measles. On the other hand, there is a high chance of a miscarriage just in case you get a mumps infection. Pregnant women who end up getting measles pose a risk of delivering a child that may be very thin or a premature baby. Another reason why you should get this done before your pregnancy is that this vaccine is equally not advisable for pregnant women.



The HPV virus AKA human papillomavirus is one of the major reasons why a woman may develop genital warts and cervical cancer. With the help of this vaccination, you can take the necessary precautionary measure of developing such problems. It is advisable to take this vaccine either before your pregnancy or after it. Pregnant women should never take this vaccine since it can harm the fetus, which can also end up in a miscarriage or some kind of problem at birth.  You also have to ensure that you follow a suitable diet just in case you are undergoing the HPV treatment.

Chicken Pox

The Chicken Pox vaccine should be taken before you decide to get pregnant and not during pregnancy. This is because there is a live virus that is present in the vaccine, which is not safe for a pregnant woman. If you are planning to have a baby, inform your doctor about it and take the necessary advice. You should also let your doctor know if you have had chicken pox in the past or not. Before that, it is also advisable to get a blood test done to check if you are immune to it or not

The vaccinations during pregnancy

The Flu shot or Influenza Vaccine

Influenza During your pregnancy, you have to make sure that you take care of your health. Even something as simple as flue can pose a risk. Given the fact that during the pregnancy, the immune system of the woman is compromised in many ways, the flu shot can defiantly help you out. It is also important to take this if you have any mind of a chronic condition or seasonal allergies.

DTaP or Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Vaccines

When you are between the 27th and 36th week of your pregnancy, make it a point to take the DTaP vaccine. This will help to safeguard you from problems like whooping caught, diphtheria and tetanus as well. It will also help to protect the baby from developing any of the health issues if they are exposed to such kind of diseases when it is in the mother\’s womb.

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A

For women suffering from liver problems, it is necessary that they have to take the Hepatitis A vaccine. Speak to your doctor to find out when you can take this shot. If need be also go ahead and get blood work done to check if you are exposed to this virus in any way.

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