
9 Natural remedies to eradicate Helicobacter pylori

Natural remedies are the first thing people turn to while battling common ailments or chronic diseases. Stomach inflammations are no exception. But what causes stomach inflammation? Bacteria. Helicobacter pylori or H pylori is a bacteria that causes peptic and duodenal ulcers and many other types of stomach inflammations that cause burning, pain, nausea, bloating and extreme distress in the sufferers. The strain of bacteria sometimes does not cause any symptom as such in some people while some others go on to develop life-threatening conditions like stomach cancer.

There are many herbal remedies that can be used for treating the condition and in most cases, the sufferers find complete relief with the use of the right remedies. Most remedies are easy to use and can even be continued while you travel. These remedies destroy the bacteria inside the stomach and aid in better digestive health. Discussed on the health site here are nine strong remedies which use vitamin C, fruits with antibacterial properties, garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, baking soda, broccoli, cinnamon, etc.


One of the best healing foods which are antibacterial and antispasmodic in nature, garlic has many other benefits as well like reduction of cholesterol and anti-clotting properties.

For treating Helicobacter Pylori, take 5-6 garlic cloves and chew them well before swallowing them. If this is too hot for you to handle, crush the cloves and add to a cup of boiling water. Simmer for about 10 minutes and drink this water when warm.

Garlic could cause a burning sensation in your mouth and stomach and the odor too is a major put off. In such cases, garlic tablets can be taken, even though they are much less effective as they are processed.

Continue treatment with garlic until the symptoms like bloating, pain, nausea, and ulcers are completely removed from your system. Do not expect immediate results as natural remedies always require more time than conventional medications and relief comes slow.


A wonderful remedy for a number of stomach disorders and also an antibacterial and natural analgesic, ginger juice also increases the blood circulation in the body and stomach, thereby discouraging the bacterial multiplication and formation of ulcers.

For killing Helicobacter pylori and preventing stomach pain and nausea, take a medium-sized ginger stalk and chew well before swallowing it. You can also drink ginger tea by crushing the ginger and adding to a cup of boiling water. Simmer for ten minutes and drink the tea warm. Continue 3-4 times a day for relief from the symptoms.

Wait for a week or two before the symptoms subside. Ginger oil too can be taken for the treatment if it can be acquired from herbal shops. Continue for about a month or more if needed as the effects of ginger has to slowly reach the stomach and the bacterial action inhibited, which takes time.

Apple cider vinegar and lemon

Apple cider vinegar has many antibacterial and healing properties and, hence, it is a wonderful remedy for treating bacterial infections. It also helps in raising the acidity in the stomach, making it difficult for the bacteria to multiply in the stomach. Lemon too is acidic and discourages bacterial growth in the stomach.

For treatment, first, take a medium sized lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Drink it with a glass of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning. Before bedtime, you can take two tablespoons of undiluted apple cider vinegar. Continue this regime every day until the infection subsides and you no longer get pain, nausea, and ulcers in the stomach.

Remember to get pure apple cider vinegar along with the ‘mother’, which is the part that has healing properties for treating bacterial infections like Helicobacter pylori. It is best to consult a herbalist before taking apple cider vinegar in order to prevent any side effects from a prolonged intake.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and helps in improving the immune system as well. Strong doses of vitamin C are sometimes used for treating infections. For Helicobacter pylori infections, take 2 grams of vitamin C or higher as per the directions of your doctor every day. This will improve the immune system response of your body and reduce the severity of the bacterial infection and finally remove it completely from the system. Low amounts of vitamin C in the gastric juice are known to be one trigger for developing Helicobacter pylori infection.

By adding adequate amounts of vitamin C supplement in your diet, Helicobacter pylori can be eradicated as the concentration of vitamin C in gastric juices can be increased with this treatment. Again, make sure that you discuss all conditions and medications that you take before taking high amounts of vitamin C as it can trigger the development of ulcers and can interact with the absorption of certain drugs.

Fruits with antibacterial properties

There are a number of fruits which have strong antibacterial qualities and hence wonderful for treating Helicobacter pylori. Most of these fruits are also rich in phytochemicals which are antibacterial, anticarcinogenic, antiviral and antimutagen in nature. The fruits that can be incorporated into your diet are raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, etc. The ellagic acid present in these fruits, the highest concentration of which can be found in raspberries is what gives it the disease-fighting quality for treating Helicobacter pylori. These fruits can be eaten any way you like: frozen, cooked or preserved as the ellagic acid remains intact even after cooking or preservation. Make sure that you have a continuous supply of ellagic acid in your diet to prevent the recurrence of the condition, which is very common and must be expected.

Turmeric – one of the most natural ways to cure Helicobacter pylori

A natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric contains a compound known as curcumin. This gives it its disease-fighting and antioxidant qualities. Take 1/4th teaspoon of turmeric along with water. You can also consume it with a glass of milk or with other cooked food. This helps to destroy the Helicobacter pylori. It also protects from a number of diseases of the intestine, stomach, blood vessels, and liver. Intake of turmeric also helps in treating and preventing many types of cancer as well. Turmeric has to be taken for at least a month until you see any sign of improvement in your condition. Sometimes a combination treatment with several herbs and natural remedies work best for treating such infections. Do not stop taking turmeric immediately. Helicobacter pylori is difficult to treat completely and the condition can recur as fast as it is healed.

Baking soda

Baking soda treats the condition by adding sufficient amounts of bicarbonate of soda in the stomach acids. This protects the stomach lining from getting damaged. Take half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate and add it to a cup of water. Mix well and take it in the morning and evening if the infection is really bad. Intake of baking soda will prevent the lack of adequate bicarbonate of soda in the stomach, caused due to reduced stomach acids and the Ph can be neutralized and the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori reduced considerably. Baking soda is an antacid and reduces the acidity in the stomach. This prevents acid reflux and GERD which too are associated with Helicobacter pylori infection. Baking soda can also be taken after your food to prevent fermentation of food in your stomach which causes the spread of Helicobacter pylori.


One of the top 5 fruits and vegetables to include in your diet, Broccoli is a wonderful natural remedy for treating Helicobacter pylori infections. It has to be understood that Helicobacter pylori infections cannot be cured a hundred percent. In most cases, even after complete relief after antibiotic or natural treatment, the symptoms may recur. Therefore, while taking up a diet remedy like broccoli, remember to consume it daily for treatment as well as prevention. Broccoli contains sulforphanes which acts in a similar manner as ellagic acid in raspberries and other berries. The sulforaphane has anti-cancer, antidiabetic and antimicrobial properties and helps in destroying Helicobacter pylori. A continuous supplement of suforphanes must be provided to the body for preventing recurrence.


Cinnamon too is an antibacterial agent and known to fight Helicobacter pylori infections effectively. Extracts from cinnamon are used for treating Helicobacter pylori as it helps in suppressing urease enzymes. Hence, catalyzing reactions in the cells of Helicobacter pylori is prevented. This dulls the action of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach. It also reduces the symptoms and makes the person comfortable and free from pain, nausea and bloating. Cinnamon extracts have an antibiotic effect on the body. Hence a strong treatment for Helicobacter pylori infections is possible. The best part is that the patients do not have to suffer from the side effects of antibiotic medications.

Article Submitted by Community Writer

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