This Valentine Day Revive your Relationship with these simple tips. http://DrPrem.com/Love
A. Give time to each other. Just make a day for two of you.
B. Give a surprise, may be a simple gift, but make it romantic.
C. Understand importance of good sex in relationship. http://drprem.com/…/reasons-sex-important-healthy…
D. Put in efforts to make life interesting, do what you partner likes.
E. Write a romantic poem/note for him/her, not SMS please.
F. Just communicate your concern. Solve problems and conflicts amicably. Have respect for each other’s space. Kill ego.
G. Praise and appreciate each other. http://goo.gl/lys0z1

Love and Relationships Guide | http://drprem.com/love/relationships
We often see that two individuals who like each other, who honestly want to be together and work on the relationship with genuineness and relentless determination are often headed wrong way because of not following few simple tips. It doesn’t take a lot for a relationship to turn into unconditional love? Let this Valentine help you revive your relationship.