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Wear ego as your clothes at times but avoid making it your skin

Wear ego as your clothes at times but avoid making it your skin

Ego is something that exists within you and keeps growing as you grow older. It simply keeps on growing due to an individual’s need to survive better in this world. It is a general feeling among human beings that ego helps a person to survive in adverse conditions of life. Even parents keep encouraging the ego within their children so they may survive in problematic conditions. However, they do not understand that ego itself may make it problematic for them to survive in case it is not used under right conditions.

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It is all right to wear ego as your clothes for the time being. However, it should only be done when you do not have another solution to a problem. Making ego your skin can actually be the problem. When it becomes a habit to bring your ego in front in order to defend yourself in every situation, then it comes troublesome for you and others. A strong ego has the power to surround your intelligence like a dark cloud. While intelligence is a bright flower, ego is a hard rock. Your strong ego can block the light of your intelligence.

While the world may tell you to become a hard rock so you become invulnerable, you should give a deep thought to it. If you become invulnerable, then you are closed in a shell of your own. The outer light of intelligence may not be able to reach you. This may confine your knowledge and may not let it flourish, flow and grow in open surroundings. You should understand that life requires a constant flow of knowledge in a mentally healthy individual. Thus, it is critical that we let our knowledge flow and expand in surroundings that are not clouded by our ego.


A wonderful way to treat your strong ego is by adopting happiness. As ego survives in an environment of misery, the only way to kill it is by removing this misery and being happy. Happiness is fearful for your ego. If you remain happy, then your ego will just disappear. It is also important to understand and analyze ego. Many people sacrifice it just to become more egoistic, and that too, without their own knowledge. However, the need is to keep your subtle ego away. You will yourself know when you have dropped your ego, as you start receiving love from all directions.

When ego becomes your skin, it does not let this love enter your soul. If you need to be loved, do not let it cover your soul. You should know how to tame your ego in order to bring balance to your life. Having a strong ego can create imbalance in every aspect of your life. It should not always be about your self-esteem or importance. There are many things and people who need to take importance over your ego. You can only recognize others when you shed your own ego.

 Ego simply makes you believe that you are most important and better than others are

Ego simply makes you believe that you are most important and better than others are. This is the point at which your life’s balance is lost. Thus, it is very important to tame your ego at this point itself. Keep your ego in check so it does not start governing your life. Put it aside when required so your life may receive back its lost balance. You will start observing how people respect and love you for this. Start trusting others and their abilities. They are as smart as you are, if not more. Shedding your ego will itself lighten up the path on which you should proceed in life.

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