Try being unconventional–It works!
I thought I would explain the term ‘unconventional’ before I go on further with this piece. The Oxford Dictionary defines the term as ‘not following what is done or considered normal or acceptable by most people; different and interesting’. Of course, if you chose do something which is not ordinary it becomes interesting instead. While there remains a chance that you could raise a number of eyebrows if you tread the unconventional ways, the good news is that in most cases being unconventional works! Beyond the definitions, if you ask me what I understand of the term, I would say being unconventional is being unpredictable – something, which not many would do or think of doing.
Here are a few tips to give you some idea on how can you be unconventional:
1. Be the unconventional friend: Amaze your friends by being unconventional. If they are planning for a long drive, take the initiative to start at 1 a.m.! A booze party at a friend’s place? Join in, enjoy. Leave a little early. Your friends might whine about you leaving early. Return in a while with a crate of beer maybe! Watch the zeal it sparks again amongst your friends.
2. Be the unconventional spouse or partner: Love does not always mean that you go on romantic candle-light dinners and give flowers to each other. There is more to it. Go out and dance when it is raining. Why not go on a small trek and take your camps along this weekend? Are you or your partner afraid of something? Tie up your laces and pledge to ride over your fears together! Bungee jumping, for instance if either of you are afraid of height. Or if either of you are scared of dogs, why not have one as a pet? Trust me, they really make great pets! Soon enough, both of you might find it difficult to stay without your pet doggie.
3. Be the unconventional employee: Say good-bye to the rigid schedules. Stick to your work and not schedules. If your work requires you to stay back an hour more, do so. On the other hand if on a weekday you find yourself wrapping up the work early, get out early and see a childhood friend maybe! Drag along a few colleagues too if you want. In this conventional world, you will surely be the unconventional breeze in other people’s life as well as your own!
Try being unconventional – It works! But…
Be cautious. Remember you want to be unconventional, and not an unconventional fool! Unconventional approach to life is appreciated, but of course not when your umbrella pokes others’ noses! No one should face any problem because of your unconventional ways in life. You should also be open to criticism when you choose to be unconventional. As you choose to swim up against the tides, you are sure to face criticism. Learn to take them in good spirit. By the way, that is one more way to be unconventional!