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How to deal with trouble kids

How to deal with trouble kids

The extent of difficulty in handling a trouble child could stem out of personality differences between the parent and child, but there are some children who just can’t get along with anyone. Such trouble kids are a challenge to control. Here are some idealistic ways which if combined together would help you to break through the barrier and help tackle difficult children.

Try to be more involved with your child

The golden rule to gain acceptability and importance in your child’s life would be to get involved in all that is going on in their lives. This does not mean that you have to snoop on your child and be the typical annoying parent. Just maintain a healthy relationship and keep track of their activities. Try to make them extremely comfortable in your company so that they can approach you without any hesitation. A cold wall of strictness and discipline would be met with a lot of rebellion from your kids. Respect your children just like you would respect any other person and give them space. Connect with your child and bond with them over a sport or activity that they enjoy the most – you could also learn something in the bargain! Provide them enough comfort and understanding so that they look forward to spending time with you at the end of the day.

Instill a sense of responsibility in your child

Instill a sense of responsibility in your child and let them understand that their actions can either have a good or a bad consequence. Learning comes easier when it is experienced first-hand and your children will become more responsible for what they do. The feeling of responsibility in a child cannot be reinforced through corporal punishment. There are many ways to make a child realize his or her mistake in a milder, yet more effective manner such as grounding or not getting the permission to use the TV and so on. Such milder punishments affect the child in a better manner and make them more responsive. Try to acknowledge the child for good things rather than focusing on the negative traits of his personality and reprimanding him for it. You must learn to strike a balance and try to teach them right from wrong. Respect your child for the decision he takes, but also inculcate a feeling of responsibility for accepting the failures and wrongdoings as well.

Teach your children how to handle their emotions

Children are great imitators and they learn by example. If they see you behaving in an inappropriate way when they failed to do something for you, then they will respond likewise in a similar situation where you failed to do something for him. You have to be responsible enough not to throw a fit of rage and scream uncontrollably inside the house. Your unruly behavior would most likely be followed by your child and then you cannot blame them for it. Children emulate the behavior of people near them, so be the best example for your child. Therefore, if you handle your emotions well, then your children will also imbibe the same. Be calm, composed with a positive mind, even in the most adverse of situations.

Do not over-indulge your child

It is very good to reinforce good behavior in your child by rewarding him for something that he has done responsibly. However, some parents go the extra mile and start over-indulging for every little thing that does not warrant a treat. Try to reward your child with a smile, a hug or perhaps extra playtime. Parents who over-indulge end up spoiling their children to the extent that they can only expect good behavior from their child only if they are given a treat in return.


Connect with all those who are close to your child

When your child is giving you a hard time, then it might become tough to deal with him singularly and would not be sufficient. Therefore, it is important to find out who all your child is comfortable with and speaks to, so that you take take their support in dealing with your difficult child. The person could be anyone from a sibling to the class teacher. Try to connect with them so that you can gain an insight to what your child feels or thinks. Most often, information from your child’s close ones can help you break the barrier that is separating you from your child. A connection with people around your child might even provide you information about terrible incidents that happened with him or her. Terrible experiences such as physical abuse, molestation, harassment etc. could be the reason behind your child’s difficult behavior and this might warrant medical attention.

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