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The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

Time management

From the moment we are born, society tunes into us a mechanism that always learns, imbibes, acts, reacts, sees and decides on the principle of future happiness. In simpler words, what we do, how we think, what we say, how we behave are all functions of what we think would guarantee a so called happy and prosperous life in future. Think about it…the career you chose, the friends you made, your day to day priorities, choices, compromises and sacrifices are all tuned towards a happier and more prosperous future. A mechanism of functioning that is tuned on the principle that Life is a journey towards attaining a desired end point.

Woman cutting Her Hair short

And here lies the reason of all our unhappiness’s. All our misery and difficulties, frustrations and tiredness towards life. It is in the thoughts of tomorrow that we lose our present. The delusion that we belief about future being guaranteed and being a function of our today when the truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed!

Yes folks, it is true. Life is crazy and nothing is guaranteed. Its not guaranteed that you would become the CEO of the organization you’re working for, it is not guaranteed that the love of your life would marry you, it isn’t guaranteed that you both will have dozens of children living happily ever after, infact is it even guaranteed that you or anyone else would be alive tomorrow? Just think about that. When our mere survival is not guaranteed for the next minute then how can we spend each second of our existence acting on the notion of guanteeing our future? Isn’t it foolish? Isn’t it foolish to lose your today in fire fighting for guaranteeing the future when deep in your hearts you know that life is a crazy ride where there exists no guarantee or warranty cards for anything or anyone.

Dilemmas of our Past:

Belief in the above mentioned simple saying would free us from all the unpleasant strings of our past. Why does our past bother us so much? Have you ever thought about it? It is simply because our today didn’t turn out as we had expected it to do from our past. Because we had been foolish enough to believe in certain ‘guarantees’. We must have believed that where you would be, what you would be ding now and who you would be with were guaranteed is it not? And all your life’s miseries till now have only been during the moments of truth where you realized otherwise. What made you think that you know tomorrow? The tomorrow that you knew then definitely didn’t turn out as your present today isn’t it? It was never to be, so forget about it and move on!

What you should focus on more is that you do not repeat the same silly mistake again. But let me guess, you are doing just that. People move from one thing to the other, form one person to the other, one lifestyle to the other, all in the pursuit of ‘guarantees’. Stop. Pause. Realize. Guarantees never work. Nothing is and ever would be guaranteed in your life. So stop searching for that and enjoy your present instead!

Getting the best of Today!

Since life is crazy and nothing is guaranteed, the best way to improve your today is by thinking just about today and how you can make the best of it! Take life as it comes, focus on your present. Live every second and be aware of every breath you take or every heartbeat. The spark of life will automatically come to you!

Many of you who are reading this perhaps might think of living your today as if it was your last. But stop. There lies a difference. If you knew this was your last day of your life, you would perhaps live it in a totally different way than you would be doing now, right? Doing all the crazy things that you forever wanted to. Say so many unspoken things to people, whether good or bad, that you always wanted to, etc. But, again, all this is when your end tomorrow is guaranteed! There lies the guarantee that today is your last! But what we were talking about is having no guarantees at all! See the difference?  So your today then, is not about doing whatever it is that you want. But rather, doing what you are doing anyways, maybe with a little addition and subtractions here and there, but doing it all in a new way!

Thinking about a no-guaranteed future is the best way to live your present and do things that are really worthwhile. So how do you best you today? Here’s how:

Do the best in your work today. Don’t work thinking about what it would fetch you in future. But work thinking it to be your sole avenue of self-fulfillment. To generate that positive self-potential fulfillment vibration within you. You are bound to excel in your career anyways!

Communicate openly and freely and express yourself in the moment of today. Convey that your love to loved ones, Say thank you to people you want to. Express affection. It gives joy and shares joy. It makes you happy. The present becomes wonderful.

Do a little crazy something today. Join a sudden salsa dance course, have an ice-cream in the rain, throw a party for your friends on a sudden whim, draw a picture, create a little hand-made gift for someone or do anything that’s a little crazy There are a list of crazy things that people want to do – locked up and away in their minds since day to day priorities (Read: guarantee cards for future) never letting them occur ever. Life is crazy so you be a little too. Feel happiness, youth, exuberance and most importantly feel to be alive!

Do one selfless act a day. Buy a chocolate to a poor kid, help a blind man cross the road, help an old lady do her chores or teach someone. It’s a myth that you help other people with social work. The fact is that you help yourself more. The deep-seated vibration that a single act of selfless giving generates in you is unparalleled and the very key to true happiness.

Something about the future:

Nothing. Think about today!

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