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Stop Caring About Limits!

Stop caring about limits

One can only explore his individuality if he stops caring about the limits imposed on him! With that been said, it now seems needless to acknowledge that each of us are suggested (rather directed) to limitate ourselves at every stage and situation in life. No matter how old you are, what you do, or in what situation you are, there will be limits set for you.

Who decided those limits? How can anyone decide what you have to and what you do not have to do? Well, if these two questions have been bothering you, then what is about to come next, will definitely relieve you!

Stop caring about the limits! That is one thing that can make you realize yourself. What I believe is that every human has individuality and nothing can be generalized when we talk about people, no matter what the basis of generalization is. There are people who think that generalizations based on societies, cultures, intelligence (education) and professions help to control civilizations. But I am sorry to say that each of those generalizations (limits) is senseless.

To me these generalizations and dictatorship have many points in common. See, just like every coin has two faces, these imposed limits that are meant for the so called social control handicap the individuality of oneself. So, if you are one such human who desires to rise about the constraints of social barriers and do something that is ironic, then go ahead and do it!

Now the question arises – what would be other response about you not living by those dictatorially imposed limits? Will you have to face resistance?

Yes! Of course you will face resistance. But that must be something that was quite expected, isn’t it?

People around us are not habituated to live with exceptions. Here, everyone wants others to live just the way they lived. So, the moment, you will want to do something others haven’t seen before they will go against you. At this stage, you will need courage to stand on your grounds and stand by what you have decided for yourself. They will try to convince you, or scare you, or even request to be, what you used to be. There you need will power!

One thing that you must do then is ‘debate’. You must be confident about what you’re trying to do and how will that positively help you. Being clueless about what you have decided for yourself will not only make you look like a loser amongst others, but will also lead you to nowhere.

So, be aware of what you have chosen for yourself, and try to make people who question you, about what you are doing. If they don’t get you, it is none of your problems. Just keep doing what you have planned for yourself without ever being worried about any sort of limits. Once you start getting results, you won’t need to convince anyone to believe in what you have been doing. They will automatically start believeing.

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