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Simple yet effective ways to cope with unsavory college roommates

College roommates play an important role in the best and most challenging years of our lives. They take the place of your family for the next few crucial years, how you deal with them will define how you will help you learn a lot about yourself. However, if the person who walks into the room is unpleasant and has an overbearing attitude, it may be difficult for you to deal with college curriculum too.

Knowing your Roommate

Your hostel room is your home for the ext four years and your roommate is an integral part of it, so you have to learn to live with him/her. Since it is still the first month, you can have to give him/her a chance of getting to know them better. Both of you can go out for lunch and study together.

What Really Annoys You?

Try ad understand what it is about your roommate that really annoys you, is it their talking on phone when you are trying to study, staying up with the lights on while you are trying to sleep, their untidiness or their attitude? Try to discuss your problems with your roommate gently and offer suggestions or try to find a middle ground together. After all, you can avoid interaction when you are living together in such close quarters.

Listen to what your roommate has to say as that would make them understand that you bear no ill will and s/he will be more receptive and cooperative.


Talk to the Resident Advisor

If your roommate is not being receptive to your suggestions, discuss your situation with the Resident Advisor, Assistant or Director. S/he might be able to advise you on how to deal with the problem or act as a mediator and in worst case, you can request for a room change.

Talk to Others

You will not bet the first person facing such as scenario in the hostel, discuss with other students whom may be facing or might have faced such problems in the past. If another one of your batchmate is facing similar problems, you can probably move in together.

Stay Out

The best thing about college is that you can engage yourself in numerous activities that will keep you away your room and roommate, making it a place to sleep and keep your stuff. You can study in the library, socialize with other classmates in the coffee shop or join groups or clubs.

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