Simple tips to cope with Angina pain

Simple tips to cope with Angina pain

Angina is a deadly heart condition that affects one in 50 people. If you are suffering from Angina pain, you can make some necessary changes in your lifestyle to avoid being afflicted. these practices include giving up smoking, cut down the intake of alcohol, watch your diet and exercise regularly. Some healthy lifestyle options to adopt as a precaution against angina pain are:

  • Maintaining a healthy body weight
  • Eating a low-fat, fiber-rich diet
  • Get regular health checkups done

What you eat

It is important to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, fruit juices are good in small quantity, but they can never be as nutritious as a whole fruit. Include oily fish such as sardines and salmon in your meals at least once or twice a week. Moderation is the key to a healthy diet in both food and drinks. Avoid junk food and fried food as much as possible.


You might want to hit the gym or go swimming, play a sport or simply opt to brisk walk, but have some workout plan. Exercising at least thrice a week is just as important as eating healthy foods. Try practicing Yoga or meditation to relax mentally as your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Laughter is another great exercise for keeping heart ailments at bay, always smile and laugh a lot to keep your heart healthy.

Health Checkups

Heart ailments can be silent killers; you might already be having symptoms but are unaware. Hence, it is essential to visit your doctor regularly to have your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked.

Treating Angina Pain

If you are already suffering from angina pain, then you can opt for Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) therapy sessions. Your doctor will most likely recommend it based on your body requirements. Try to ignore the pain as much as possible, unless it gets too painful to bear. In case, you have severe chest pain, then it is best to rush to the hospital immediately for treatment. Your medical practitioner will do a complete examination of your body and offer you a treatment plan.

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