Progress in life instigates on your mind. If you have strong feelings about something, you make your way towards your goal very easily. The negative thoughts, if not taken care of keep taking you away from your goals in a wrong direction. Let us have a look at some such negative thoughts that block your way to success.
It’s too late
It’s never too late to bring about a positive change in your life since life is full of possibilities, you only need to make a good choice. You can’t attain anything by complaining and making excuses. The only way to move on is accept the reality and act accordingly.
Suffering is not worth it
All the pain and suffering you go through in the course of achievement does pay off. You do not have to keep an option of stepping back when you face the adversities of life. Pain is one of the most important elements of growth. You can’t expect to grow without sufferings in life. You don’t complain about all the sufferings when you attain your goal in life.
Giving up is an option
Giving up not only closes the door to success but also takes away all the hopes from you. Most people tend to give up unknowingly when they get very close to their success. You never have to be perfect to get good results but all you need to do is to hold on to all your hopes of attaining success on life.
I am not the best
You simply don’t have to be the best to survive. Your vision of being best can be something that you may possibly attain after years of hard work. With passion and strong determination, you can always be the best in your field but without giving your best shot the comparison if not at all fair. All you need to do is to be constant in your efforts.
I am not prepared yet
Being comfortable is an ideal situation. It never really exists. If you want to make progress in life, you have to move out of your comfort zone. The best part is that you get comfortable even with an uncomfortable situation after a while. The desire to succeed must overpower all your fears in life.
Your biggest enemy may be the habit of postponing things for tomorrow. All you have is today. You have to realize the fact that there is no tomorrow. You might feel the same way even tomorrow and this feeling would never really let you get closer to your goal.
Innovative thoughts
Of course, it takes an innovative mind to make progress in life. However, it is a little more than that. Until you put your great idea at work you can hardly expect a change in your life. The habit of not implementing your ideas may lead to anxiety, stress and feed your fears even more. If the outcome is nothing you can’t claim to make progress in life.
I don’t have it in me
You do not need anyone else to tell you this, if you are the one who is pulling yourself backward. If you don’t believe in your abilities then no one else would be ready to take a risk. You have to choose between the faith and the doubt. You can’t be the best among all but the fact is that no one is perfect. Does this thought comfort you a little?
Opportunities are always a step away. Your success or failure first generates on your mind everything else comes along.