When you are fresh out of university, the first thing you gotta do is go out looking for a job. But ever did you know as you are hunting for a job, recruiters from top companies are looking for you as well. All you have to do is to take care of a few things to get the job of your dreams.
Prepare your resume
The resume is a couple sheet of papers reflecting your capability as an employee to an organization. With a well made resume, you can jump up to the interview table faster than your competitors. You don’t need to mention every single detail of your life in your resume, but highlight the ones you are strong with and tempting to do as your career. Reflect your interests as you were born to do that stuff, and state yourself as a loyal employee of the future. The last and most important thing is to highlight your contact number, email and reference address so the employers can reach you with ease.
Strong attitude
As you meet the company person(s) at the interview, the first thing they check is your comfort level. It is very obvious to get nervous there, but you can beat it by first doing some mock interviews with your friends.
There may be a chance that you don’t know the answer, in that state, do not try to fool the interviewer. Simply admit the fault so they can get you another chance. Get your confidence levels high and show a strong attitude towards your work. You can also talk about the work hours and compensation right on the interview, so the employers get the hint that you actually want the job.
Appereance matters
Whether you are a man or a woman, try to go with a formal attire suiting your job position. Jeans, too short skirts, or sleeveless shirts are considered as informal for an interview. Your dress leave the first impression on your recruiters as you enter the room, and it may decrease your chance even if you have a high qualification or work experience. Your hair and nails must be done, and clean shaved faces with a smile can impress the recruiters than anything else.