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How to deal with a pathological liar

It can be very difficult to judge and control a pathological liar. The lair lies habitually about any and everything on a regular basis. Speaking the truth is difficult for people with this disorder. Read the steps given below to find out how you can deal with a person suffering from pathological lying.

Prepare yourself before speaking to a compulsive liar

Never appear in front of a pathological liar as though you are about to suspect them. Take time off and prepare yourself beforehand. Be very clear on what you have to say to the person without having them to doubt you. As pathological liars tend to be masters in lying, they will automatically fool you without even letting you know. Be very gentle, calm in posture, and try not to yell or shout while confronting, as this behavior will help them to ease down a bit without causing any panic. Do not get into an argumentative mood if you do not get the desired response in return, as this will heat up the moment.

Carry yourself with gentleness throughout the process

It is very essential to deal with pathological lairs with ease, as they are prone to lying in any situation and speaking the truth is very uncomfortable for them. You need to be completely calm and patient with them, as you would not like to cause a panic or aggressive attack within the concerned person. Try to understand that it might be difficult for the person to deal with the problem. Patience is what will assist you to genuinely help the person concerned. It is not an easy or short process to convince a person suffering from pathological lying and help them get out of it. Therefore, patience is what will help you achieve your set goal, only if you stay focused and determined.

Communicate as much as you can

Pathological lairs in most cases never accept the fact that they have a deep problem. In cases, as such it becomes very important to communicate with them as much as you can. Try to make them realize that they need to stop the behavior of theirs or else they will push themselves into a deeper problematic situation. To make your conversation even stronger keep proofs handy. Show the concerned person whatever proofs you have collected to prove to them that they have compulsive lying problems and need to curb them right away. Through this method, you can help the concerned person realize they have a problem and help them to decide upon curbing their behavior immediately.

Fight until your last breath

If you really want to help the concerned person to get out of the problematic situation, stick with them like glue. Request them to go and see a counselor or therapist. Also offer company if they refuse to go alone. However, in cases where they refuse to even visit one, caution them that you will be around them 24/7. While doing so it is very crucial that you do not lose your head and start getting authoritative. Remember to be firm, yet gentle. Be very specific while making one realize that they are not only creating more troubles for themselves, but also to the people around them. Through this method, you might make them value the relations around them and decide to change themselves for their loved ones.

Leave it and do not regret

Some people when forced to get help, they consider it, while some just do not want to change themselves and desire to be left alone. In cases as such, leave them alone. If the person feels, he/she does not require help then do not force yourself on them, as this might in turn spoil your health too. Also considering the nature of pathological liars, they might coax into convincing that you help is of utmost importance to them, but might actually be lying in your face. If you feel you cannot help the concerned person anymore, then leave it. Do not regret the decision, as it is just a way of not hurting yourself in the process of helping others.

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