Love is a language that everyone loves to speak and it is the source of everything such as reality, future, security, strength, success, unity and sharing, etc. Love is the greatest feeling in the whole world. When you are in love, you see mainly the positive sides of the character of the person, you are in love with. Love has no different classifications. One cannot love one person one way and another person another way. Love does not change with changing circumstance neither does one can love at times and hate at other times. Love is the greatest feeling in the whole world. Love is one of the basic emotions of human basically necessary for survival in life.
Love is always something that is endless, ageless, everlasting, immortal, imperishable, indefinite, infinite, unfading, etc.
“A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.” – Max Muller
“Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” – Mother Teresa
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” – Mother Teresa
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.” – William Shakespeare
Language that everyone speaks
Love is the source for everything and also has different meanings as well, some call it affection, caring, attraction, attachment, liking, emotion, worship, infatuation, devotion, etc.
The love of a mother will not change for her child. For the first time when a mother holds her beautiful newborn baby in her hands is totally overwhelmed and a wave of love is extended on her newborn. This characterizes the love of a mother. Love knows no boundaries, no matter one is poor or rich there is no dissolution of love. Love isn’t an emotion but it is characterized by self belief and fulfillment which is enlarged and evolved within oneself. The attitude and appearance of love may change but not the true significance. One cannot understand and realize the real meaning of love unless he / she experience it. Love is the master key which opens all doors of happiness and joy.
Love is simple and complex
Love is both simpler and more mysterious and subtle than we imagine it to be. Love is simply the spacious, open attention of our awareness, which is the gentlest, kindest, and most intimate force in the world. It touches things without impinging on them. It holds all of our experience but doesn’t hold it down or hold it back. And yet, inherent in awareness is a pull to connect and even merge with the object of your awareness. Love has always existed and always will. Love implies to a deep esteem feeling for someone. Love does not need any explanation, it speaks for itself. Love is a big unsolved puzzle.
Love is completely impartial and without exception
When one knows the correct meaning of love, love will not be an embrace one and will not reject another. We love everyone to the same degree. This means that love is an impersonal thing which in true sense means that it is not based on attributes that are specific to a particular person. It is a response to something which is a universal to all worldwide. Love without conditions is love with no demands, no limits, no expectations, no requirements, no thoughts of reciprocation, and no conditions. Unconditional love is not affected by reality or harmful behaviors.
It loves everyone in the same way
We are used to loving each person differently in terms of a friend, or a lover, or a child, or a parent, etc. The emotion of love actually differs according to that person’s place in our lives. In other words, love for the person differs depending upon the degree and kind of proximity towards the person. Love has no degrees, no varying amounts of intensity. Love has no levels also does not range from lowest love to highest love. Love has no separate parts; it does not make distinctions between people, giving to one person while withholding itself from another.
Love is always constant
Every day one watches their love ones rise and fall with changing circumstances, like a boat on a restless sea. Love includes alternations with unloving emotions, which makes it a contradiction. Being only love, real love is perfectly constant, no matter what the outer circumstance may be or can be. It forever floats serene and untouched above the restless Love is characterized by a sense of unique feeling, attachment and affection towards somebody. Everyone experience love for someone or something, diverging the intensity at one time or the other. Human beings have inherited quality of giving and feeling love.
Love has limitless intensity
It is natural that love comes in different strengths, different degrees of intensity. Love that has been diluted with something else is a love that has been mixed with an opposite. The only way to avoid diluted love is to have a love of limitless intensity and even the slightest lessening of intensity. Love has limitless intensity and boundless strength. Love can do wonders only if one believes in it and gives try. If one gives love, one will surely get it back. Love is a strange word in the context of life. Love is spirituality. Some people accept it and some counter it. Some see it as separate thing but others see as same thing and accept it. Love is a relation between husband and wife, family, friends, classmates, etc. Any person loves to contribute the happiness with someone is love.
Love only gives
Human love is a constantly changing mixture of giving and taking. Sometimes it makes demand on loved ones and sometimes it gives. But its gifts are carefully measured and almost always are conditional. Love does not makes any bargaining or and any sort of demands. Love is freedom and in the process of love, one gives all of oneself to other person which is not a sacrifice meant to obligate so that the person can give it back because love is the highest experience of life.
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” ― Robert A. Heinlein