If you have been planning an extended trip to a tropical region for your summer holidays, then you might have to face even more intense heat in that region as the tropical latitudes are greatly exposed to the heat of the sun. This fact might have dampened your spirits a bit as you were dreaming of enjoying the warm sun and cozy sands with your loved ones instead of thinking about the excessive heat of the sun which is prone to cause one to break out in sweat. This can prove to be very uncomfortable. Well, perspiration can be a really embarrassing issue that you would have to face while you are on a fun picnic to the tropics and it brings along with it related issues like itchiness, bad odor and a very sticky, uncomfortable feeling from within which could be a hindrance to you and your plans for enjoyment.
However, you do not really need to take much stress about the regular sweating that you might be facing when you are there in your dream destination of sun and sand that is likely to give your body a good tanned look. This is because you can control the perspiration up to a considerable extent so that you are allowed to carry out your picnic plans in the way you wanted them. Here are some tips which you need to follow while packing your bags for a trip to a tropical island in order to deal efficiently with the problem of excessive sweating –
Choose the fabric you are going to wear very wisely
While stepping out into the sun’s harsh rays, the clothes that you decide to wear make a lot of difference to the amount of sweat that accumulates on your body. Always go for light fabrics, preferably cotton that would allow the sweat to be absorbed by the surroundings rather than become clamped on your body which might result in rashes and allergies. Also, choose the right kind of outfits in which you will feel comfortable. They should neither be too clingy and stick to your body, nor be too loose. Your garments should fit you just perfectly so that they allow you to breathe while at the same time, being easy to carry along with you under the glare of the sun. Besides, do not forget to carry some extra dresses with you. The rule is to pack more dresses than the number of days you plan on staying.
An additional rule that might help you to survive out there is to avoid carrying dresses which might be too gaudy along with you. Rather, sport a casual and smart look while roaming the tropical regions and if you are thinking of carrying some accessories along with you, then carry some inexpensive ones. However, it would be best if you did not carry any accessories with you at all.
Do not forget to carry your cosmetic kit
The first and most important product that you need to carry with you and which you need to apply before you decide to step out under the open sky is your sun protection lotion. Since you would preferably wear short clothes in such hot weather, most of your skin would be exposed to the direct heat of the sun which could easily result in sun burns and various types of skin allergies. So in order to protect your delicate skin, do not forget to apply a branded sunscreen. You can even consult your cosmetologist to prescribe you some high SPF skin protection creams that would be aptly suited to your skin type. Use of antiperspirants is also recommended as it would not only help to keep a check on your sweating but would also make your body odour pleasant in spite of the bright heat.
It is best to apply your deodorant at night before you go to sleep as it would then help to clog up the pores of your skin and stop you from sweating more effectively. You can always spray on some more deodorant in the morning in order to add to the effect.
Have a look at what you grab to ‘eat’
While enjoying yourself on a trip, you would certainly like to be free with your choice of food and drink. Well, if your tour includes tropical regions then you would be required to keep a check on what you would be consuming in order to deal with the excessive perspiration, which is otherwise a very normal issue for people residing or travelling in this region. Say a big no to fried, salty and spicy foods as your body reacts vigorously to these elements. Consequently, in order to get rid of the effects your body would sweat a bit more than what it normally does. Instead, go for fresh fruits and vegetables that are not deep fried as they would provide your body with the required amount of energy instead of soaking up its energy like the processed food items.
Replace your alcoholic and caffeine-filled beverages with black tea as it contains the components that would aid your body against the effects of perspiration by keeping your body nice and dry.
Make your trip rather interesting and fun – just the way you want it to be instead of letting your plans get drenched by the excessive amounts of heavy sweating by following some very simple yet effective rules. Pack your bags with great caution.