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Dehaze your vision – Live A Great Life Podcast by Dr Prem – Chapter. 60

Dehaze your vision - Live A Great Life Podcast by Dr Prem – Chapter. 60

Here is a quote –  To one  who has faith, no explanation is  necessary. To one without faith,
no explanation is possible.

—Thomas Aquinas

How can you achieve that which you cannot see and comprehend? Most people prefer to take a good deal of time to think and plan about the vacations they intend to take, the clothes they wish to wear the TV shows or movies they intend to watch. Unfortunately, they do not show a willingness to devote a little time each week to dehaze their vision regarding their future. No wonder, they end up chasing instant gratification at the expense of personal fulfillment.

Don’t be a prey to false notions

Many people are under the notion that their goals are clear and effective. However, the truth is that they are merely identifying things which they would like to have or do – not what they truly desire. These goals, devoid of conviction, do not provide a clear vision of the life they want to lead and lack identity and purpose. Such people lack the strength that will see them through the days when the going gets tough. You can only push yourself to the limit for something you truly desire and deserve. Personal fulfillment comes from accomplishing goals that you truly desire.

How to develop clarity of vision

You must ask yourself a few key questions at the onset. First, ask yourself who you are. Your answer will reflect the principles and values that you stand for and wish to promote among others. Next, ask yourself what you wish to achieve in your life. This can include – but is not restricted to- your occupation. For example, if you wish to inspire and educate, you could be a teacher, coach, cleric, etc.

Don’t let contradictory goals ruin your life

Finally ask yourself, what you want to have. Your answer can come in the form of possessions, life-changing experiences, lofty achievements and much more. The majority of these goals should focus on accomplishing the first two steps or, be remotely associated with them. However, it is not essential to focus your goals on the first two steps, but you should ensure that they do not contradict the principles and values suggested in those steps. If your goals are contradictory, you are prone to lose your sense of self-worth and your life.

Devote time to developing clarity of vision

Personal contentment, as they say, depends a lot on the future you wish for yourself. Therefore, it is highly advisable to take a little time each week from your busy schedule to develop a vision, so that every action that you take and every goal that you reach gives you a sense of contentment and draws you closer to that vision. Clarity of vision can boost your positivity and make you feel that things are possible even in severe adversities.

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